
Levi Johnston calls himself a f'ing redneck on his myspace, is he a good catch?

by Guest62656  |  earlier

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State troopers popped Johnston last year for snagging some king salmon out of season in Moose Lake, records from Alaska wildlife enforcement show. He had to pay $370 bail.

since he is over 18 and Bristol isn't, can he go to jail?

and if you read the article on the NY Daily News in his myspace he said he did not want kids




  1. Wathc yourself...he will "kick your A$$".


  2. Ummm,Obama did illegal street drugs and went to a racist church.  His VP choice has ties to lobbyists.  Don't you think you should concern yourself more with that.

  3. Not for my daughter.

  4. No.

    Shouldn't dems be more worried about this..

    "Obama's DNC bounce smaller than others and shrinking" --front page Yahoo.  

  5. And that's who Sarah Palin is proud to say is marrying her daugher and will be raising her grandchild.

    America, wake up.

  6. He also said he doesn't want children.

  7. Wow this woman amazes me everyday & to think she's happy who her daughter has gotten pregnant by !  

  8. The marriage is doomed. They are too young.  

  9. Obama's father didn't go to jail when he got Obama's mama pregnant when she was 17 did he?

    McCain in 08

    PS The age of consent in Alaska is 16, as is in DC, that's why DEMOCRAT  Congressman Studds had his 'boyfriend' that was 16 yrs old

  10. Levi who?  

  11. I really think he is not.

    However we will forget him in about 14 minutes and thankfully move on.

  12. Good ol'e republican family values for ya!!

  13. Are you for real? d**n...desperate or something?

  14. This punk is the K-FED of Alaska.

    I'll bet that he spends some time in prison between now and the time that he is 30.

  15. The age of consent is 16 in Alaska.

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