
Levi johnstons myspace page(it's been taken down)the typical conservative republican male pulling a cut n run?

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Levi johnstons myspace page(it's been taken down)the typical conservative republican male pulling a cut n run?




  1. The powers that are in control took it down.  Damage control.

  2. Or maybe he's just tired of getting e-mail...

  3. Because of a deletion of a Myspace page?..

    Go do your homework kid , there is school tomorrow.

  4. Its called privacy.... before all the brainless nitwits decided slamming him and Bristol and the whole Palin thing  he had privacy  and nobody knew who he was( except for his TRUE friends and family  so, he made the smart move to block everyone that he doesnt want to view it..

  5. Another desperate liberal in the last grasp of life looking for anything to save their Messiah.

  6. You are an idiot. You are the typical liberal who cannot win on ANY issues, so you attack, and let me make this clear, the boyfriend of the daughter of the Republican VP candidate.


  7.'re an id*ot :)

    It's the Dems that like to cut & run obviously you have not been paying attention?

  8. Levi has a shotgut to his head. Imagine the whole RNC looking at you as a rapist-better-do-the-right-thang.

  9. They're scared it will look like trailer park trash and make the Palins look bad.  Gosh, how hard can that be?

  10. Soooooooo, tell me something, since you're stereotyping, what exactly IS a typical conservative republican male?

  11. maybe myspace took it down from all the hits and the fact it was slowing down their servers?  

  12. he has been mouthing off on radio talkshows also , the pitbulls put an end to it !

  13. I think he is showing repsonsbility and taking his fatherhood a bit more seriously after time to think about it.

    And with all the exposure (he also was seen at the RNC with Palin and her family including his girlfriend) he needs to correct some of his foolish behavior patterns.

    Is it just me or did he look like John Mayer?

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