
Lewis vs. McCall pt. 2. What do you think happened in the ring that night?

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So I was watching the replay on ESPN classic, and I keep thinking I'm seeing something in McCall's body language that's telling me he's not allowed to fight back. What the heck was going in the ring that night? I could spin some crazy Oliver Stone conspiracy theories on this one. McCall definitely had the ruggedness to withstand Lewis' assault long enough to plaster him again, and he would go to counterpunch then stop himself. Something else ticks my brain, remember how Akinwande refused to throw punches, too? And Bowe tossed his title rather than fight him. Does any of this smell fishy in a bad way?




  1. Remember it well,in answer to the question simply look back at the interview with McCall after the fight on You tube and he's saying'hey look at my face,not one for the hospital..haha'the guys a bum and more fool to anyone paying to see either of them,both send me to sleep,talk about the Russians!!McCall answer his critics okey by tellin them he wanted an easy night!

  2. I don't believe I'll ever understand what really happened in that fight.  McCall appeared to have some kind of mental/emotional breakdown for reasons unknown to me.  Wish I could give a better answer but I really don't know one.

  3. I don't think it is much of a oliver stone thing than fighters making an easy paycheck and getting to go home unhurt. A lot of fighters who fought lewis, really didn't want to fight him and didn't have the desire to tackle a mountain. I think mccall had the desire to really fight. The rumor was that he was rushed back intot he ring to early after suffering from personel problems and drug rehab(that was a rumor).

  4. i think the same kind of thing happened to Macall that did to  Tyson and Golota.  Tyson was fighting ok in the first round until he tasted two Lewis uppercuts.  after that he went into a very defensive mode.  the same with Golota i think , he felt a couple of his punches and he got concerned.  

    if he can stop Tyson from being aggressive he can stop anyone from being it.

    remember Holyfield after their first fight.   it looked like Lewis  was hitting him with  pitty pat but at the end of the fight Holyfields face was swollen up.   even when Lewis was throwing pitty pat it was hard.   i hated how some times he did that.   if he was more aggressive like in Rahman 2 he would have been real entertaining to watch.

  5. from what ive heard (and this is just what ive heard) oliver had some kind of nervous break down and wouldnt strike back because later on in his life he felt bad about hurting another human being or something like that.

    remember this is only what i heard, i dont know if its true.

  6. Come to think of it Golata didn't even throw a punch in their fight either, a lot of guys tanked for Lewis.   I always figured they showed McCall a picture of his wife and kids with Dominic and Vito in between rounds.  It was so obviously a fix, I was amazed more people didn't raise a stink, but fear tends to dampen the zeal of the media, reporters don't like broken fingers any more than the next guy.  I guess when wise guys like that pay you a visit, you tend to start thinking in terms of whether or not you are going to be able to survive the encounter.  The Soporano's is an entertaining TV show, but when it's for real, even a heavyweight boxing champ tends to throw his hands up in the air and start crying.

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