
Lexapro & Ritalin help

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Good morning everyone,

I'll giveyou some background information first. I started with Lexapro 10mg about two months ago. The pdoc bumped up the dose to 20mg a month ago. Overall, I've been on Lexapro almost 3 months.

I'm having trouble speaking and moving. I'm stuttering like you wouldn't believe. It is better today -- but you should have heard me yesterday! Another unusual side-effect is my muscles, primarily my hands. They are *jerking* around. For example, typing this message, I have to keep using the "BACKSPACE" key on the keyboard because I'll type like this: pp mm mm ffineee d. My fine motor skills are becoming obsessive compulsive or something, wanting to do everything twice or thrice.

I began a Ritalin-drug-holiday a week ago. Do you think I'm experiencing withdrawal? I take Ritalin 20mg 2x/day. Sometimes 3x/day.

Has anyone one experienced this while on Lexapro or Ritalin during a drug-holiday?

Thanks in advace for your help! :-)




  1. you need to call your doctor immediately, do you read the side effects when you get your prescriptions, you could be seriously ill. NO i dont' think this is withdrawal.

  2. ADHD medication can have horrid side effects.

    probably feel like you have tourettes almost? well yes it can do that i would think though the side effects would be less with ritalin, so get off and stay off the lexapro, try to cut back a little on your medication, i assume your older so there would be no need to over medicate your self just to be sure?

    you need to remember medication is only a band aid effect on the brain, your not helping yourself if you dont seek therapy and learn bpv excersises to help with core stability.

  3. I have been taking 20mg/day of Lexapro for about 1 1/2 years.  I have not noticed the side effects you are experiencing.  I also take Wellbutrin, 450mg/day and the combination works well for me.  I was also having sleep problems so I take 25mg-50mg of Trazidone each night.  The Lexapro and the Wellbutrin help me with controlling depression but not with my sleep problems.

    The side effects you are describing are a good indication that the Lexapro isn't working for you.  You need to go to your doctor and discuss this.  There are several drugs out there.  If one drug is not working then you need to try another or a combination of drugs.  You should tell your doctor you want to try something else.  Also your doctor should have weened you off of the medication if there was a chance that you would experience withdrawal.  Regardless of the cause, withdrawal or side effect, your doctor is the best person to turn to for advise.  
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