
Lexapro V. Generic??

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I've been on Lexapro for about a year. The first 6 months, I was on 10 mg. Now i'm on 20. My dad recently took me off of his health insurance for tax purposes, and I ran out of my prescription, and have been feeling pretty dizzy and irritable. And, I can't get lexapro for any less than 90 dollars a month.

I've heard of a generic brand that Wal-mart has for 4 bucks, but I was wondering what it's called, and if it works as well as lexapro or not.

Also, until I talk to my doctor, I need to find a way to get rid of this dizziness. Any suggestions?




  1. Escitalopram is the generic (chemical) name for Lexapro but you can not buy it in the USA. You can order it online from England and other places (up to a 90 day supply). I have been doing just that for some of my more expensive pills from a site called - its an option just like switching to another med that has a generic in the US already

  2. One of my friends asked me this sort of questions before,she found helpful here.http://health-insurance.onlinebestoffer....

  3. I couldn't afford Lexapro after being on it a couple of years. So, my Dr. switched me to Celexa (citalopram) because it comes in generic and yes, you can get it at Wal Mart for $4 if it's on their list. I'm sure it is. I can't tell a whole lot of difference but everything seems to be just fine. Oh, Lexapro and Celexa are nearly the same except Lexapro is a fine-tuned version, meaning some ingredients that were not necessary were removed.

  4. There isn't a generic Lexapro yet.

    The closest thing is citaprolam, generic for Celexa, Lexapro's predecessor.

    There's a dosage adjustment, but check with your doctor & you should do well.

  5. There is no  generic available for Lexapro.  Ask your doctor for a new prescription for an antidepressant that has a generic available!

  6. The active drug in Lexapro is escitalopram.  Normally, patients start with 10mg tablets, maximum of 20mg per day.  A generic should be fine as long as it's this same drug and keep taking the same dosage.  The generic brands are always less because they don't have to pay for all the advertising that the name brands do.  Generally, they're the same thing!
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