
Lexapro and Xanax question REALLY important, please! tomorrow I have to go to bring my sister to college its?

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like a good two three hours away in MA, were in CT okay but I've been getting really bad panic attacks lately so im on lexapro for almost three weeks but it hasn't been really helping yet at all, so i was wounding if for the car ride up there I took one xanax to calm me down cause i seem to always get panic attacks in cars and have to use the bathroom which can be impossible in on the highway, and I don't feel like using the bathroom on my self (gross). So do you think it would be okay would it calm me down????? or at least make me sleep?

Also im 18 and i take yaz birth control.




  1. I am currently taking Lexapro myself and my doctor told me it won't help with anxiety attacks like Paxil did. If you need to take a Xanax go ahead, it will make the day go alot easier for you. Be careful though Xanax is highly addictive. Have a safe trip up and back.

  2. Lexapro can sometimes take 2 to 3 months to show you're taking it. Also it doesn't always work for every who takes it.  Is the xanax your own prescription or someone else's? Either way, consult your DR. and or pharmacist where you got lexapro at. Combining certain pills can have very bad side effects. It's better to be safe then to be sorry...

    God bless you, Joni

  3. well if your on the road then dont do it-unless your not driving. then if its prescribed to you then go ahead

  4. Sorry, I didn't understand the question, but have an answer anyway.

    I recommend Propranolol which is Inderal or a better beta blocker than those you refer to - they have so many side effects!

    Look at Propanolol - - the side effects are possible, but not at all probable, and the drug works to completely take away anxiety, while not disturbing concentration or performance for people like airline pilots or military operatives and athletes.

    It may not help you use public restrooms on a trip, just get yourself together for that.  Really, muster your courage, nobody else is looking at you.  And walk with confidence, carry yourself strongly.

    Later, see a doctor and ask about a prescription if you are willing to drop the others.

    Worse case is usually low blood pressure, or sugar imbalances caused by reduced blood flow if you take too much, and you should never take more than a normal dose, because it helps and works.

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