
Lexapro causing mood swings?

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Okay, I finally went to a doctor about my anxiety and he gave me some lexapro to try and...okay, he told me to take only half a pill the first 2 days to get it into my system. Did that, now I'm taking one pill a's only been three days but I'm having mood swings like you wouldn't believe...I go from happy to kinda sad to irritated to happy to huggy to....apathetic. Is this normal? Should I wait a few more days before making any hasty judgments?




  1. it can take up to 4 weeks for it to get where it will help took about three weeks for it to help me. just type in lexapro and it will tell you all the good & bad.

  2. I experienced the same thing.  I gave it a couple of weeks and quit taking it.  It made me feel really strange and I didn't like it at all.  My Doc prescribed librium and that worked better for me.

  3. Yes, you need to wait.  It can take up to a month for medication to finally do the proper thing in a person's body.  But if you feel that this is something that shouldn't be happening after three days, then make sure to call your doctor in the morning because YOU know when you don't feel right on a medication.  Your doctor can't help you unless you communicate with them.

    Good luck on the new medication!

  4. My mom was... is? on it and she had mood swings all the time. So i think it does cause it.

  5. I would talk to your doctor, I've heard of diarrhea being a side effect, some irritability, but not major mood swings.  Any time you have a side effect that you didn't expect I would contact my doctor.  I'm on an anti-anxiety medication and the only side effect I see is 1)  decrease in anxiety and 2)  I get tired/sleepy.  Sorry I couldn't be more help.  Good Luck!

  6. I used lexapro before.  It seemed to work pretty well with very few side effects.  There is an adjustment period with this and any other med.  The only consistent problem that I recall having was being extremely sleepy exactly 2 hours after taking a pill.  For some reason, I also vividly remembered having intense dreams every night.  Good luck!

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