
Lexapro good or bad???

by  |  earlier

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so i had a physical today and i told my doctor that i get anxiety attacks and such so he told me he was going to give some pills to help me relax a bit. so when i went to get my pills the pharmacist told me that it's an anti depressant. and i really didn't want to take pills like that. i haven't taken it yet and the pills are sitting right in front of me and I'm not to sure if i should take them or not. I've heard too many bad things about anti depressants. any suggestions???




  1. How a person reacts to a medication is so individual.  Not everyone is going to have the same benefit that someone else may not.  Also, your body chemistry determines how you'll react.  It could be a positive reaction or a negative.  Asking us if it's "good" or "bad" is very grey.  What is more important is speaking to your psychiatrist who can professionally manage your medications.  

  2. Anxiety is horrible - and panic attacks!  I take Xanax.  Antidepressants can cause much weight gain and other problems.  I have a broken arch in one foot that is untreatable from fast weight gain on antidepressants.  They can cause constipation and you just feel like c**p.  It's a matter of how much anxiety you have.  If it's mild - exercise is the very best thing.

  3. My mom takes lexapro.. She acts differnt when shes on them she wont stop talking good god its hard to shut her up she just wants to ******

    then one day I took them before school and I was talking alot and I just had this urge to socialize and me being so anti social most of the time made it obvious to everyone else that I was on somthing. They do give you a feeling and it last pretty much all day. But my mom would act strange but she took her pills with wine but u can take lexapro with alcahol and she would act really strange when she was drunk and on lexapro

    You act weird so dont take it when you have do somthing really important like give a speech in front of hundreds of people

    my mom whould probably say "stop being a fu.c..king p***y and take them already!"

  4. I think that this totally depends on you and your physician. It's very important that you express all of your concerns to your physician and maybe ever request a referral to a psychiatrist. Only you and your doctor can decide what would be best for you. Whenever you go back to your doctor, ask him these questions and if you'd really prefer not to take them, ask if there's an alternative. I wouldn't stress too much on the fact that they are anti-depressants, all that really matters is whether or not they help you, regardless of what they are called. For some people it only takes a placebo, for others, hardcore meds. It just depends on you. Ask you doctor to completely explain the medication and what it is for, also make sure you ask what all the side effects (ups and downs) are, once you have all the facts, you can weigh out the pros and cons yourself. Everyone is different so don't get discouraged by others saying they had a bad experience, I'm sure there are many who have also had good experiences.

    Hope this helps.


  5. ive been taking lexapro for almost two years now and they help me a lot. and even though u dont want to be on anti depressants dont think of it like that. wenever ppl ask me wut my meds r for i just say anxiety because basicly thats exactly what it is and anxiety brings on depression there for they are anti depressent pills because they take away the anxiety that brings the depression
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