
Lexington law .com claims they can guarantee to clean up my credit is that true? has anyone found anything?

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i wasnt able to finish my questions i ran out of characters to continue question....negative about lexington law?




  1. I'd be interested to know where on the Lexington Law site they "guarantee to clean up" anyone's credit.  After looking through the site, I don't see any such claims.  In fact, on the site it says "any credit repair company that guarantees success is not being honest with you."

    Regardless, be wary of any credit repair company that guarantees to remove anything from your credit reports. Nobody can make such a promise because nobody can predict the actions of the credit bureaus.

    Even in cases where credit repair companies guarantee to imcrease your credit score or you get your money back, when you read the fine print you see that there is usually a catch.  For example, there is one credit repair company that is currently advertising that they guarantee a 720 credit score. If you read the fine print, however, what you find out is that if after 12 months you do not have a 720 credit score, the company will continue to work for you for free until you get to 720.  So basically, if after 12 months the service doesn't work for you, you get free ineffective service after that.

    I think you'll find that if you revisit the Lexington Law site or any other site belonging to a reputable credit repair company, you will find that all they promise to do is use the credit repair mathods available to them in an effort to clean up your credit.

    This is not to say that the service doesn't work or is not worth the money, but that they are being honest with you when it comes to repairing your credit.  Credit repair companies have helped hundreds of thouands of people clean up their credit reports, but that does not guarantee that credit repair will work for you.

  2. No one can unconditionally make that claim.  Read the fine print.

  3. They cannot legally remove accurate negative information. Only time can do that and that's 7 to 10 years.

  4. Accurate negative info stays on your credit files....there is, however, one trick that "may" help to remove negatives from your credit files. You don't have to pay anyone to do this.

    Per the Fair Credit Reporting Act you have the right to request written validation of negative entries on your credit files. Per this law they must validate the item(s) or remove them from your credit file.

    Mail separate requests for each negative on your credit at a time...not all at once. Just include the simple statement:

    Per the Fair Credit Reporting Act, I am requesting written validation of this item.

    Remember that there are three credit bureaus, so you’ll have to do this for each credit bureau. There is NO guarantee that this will work....It may give some decent results. The worst that can happen is that all negative items come back verified.

  5. If there a negative items that aren't true, then they can get them removed - you can do that yourself.  If the negative items are true, no they can't get them removed.

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