
Lgbt and respectful others: do you ever wonder whos thinking of you?

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uhem...notice how i said respectful others...we dont need any bs offensive

lgbt and respectful others: do you ever wonder whos thinking of you?

i do.

how about you?

and i asked this yesterday it never posted.((BIG BEAR HUGS)) and a kissy on the cheek.

poll: should i stop with the huggies and kissies at the end of each question?




  1. Yea.. hmmm I wonder..

    It would be nice to know if I was thought about. I know I think of some people on here..

    and NO don't stop :] hahaha I like it I think it's cute [as you already know]

  2. Sometimes.  It's nice to be thought of by someone, especially a person I like.  Makes me all warm and fuzzy. haha

  3. yes, i do wonder - who and IF anyone is actually thinking about me. sometimes it's happy; sometimes, sad.

    never give up the hugs and kisses... xoxox

  4. i'm from the respectful others , we came in peace lol

    yeah i do that too , sometimes , but most of the times i don't wonder , i know who thinking of me , and i know what she is thinking most of the times (i can telepathically read minds jk lol ) .

    and for the poll : oh no DON'T STOP please =)

  5. i always wonder who's thinking of me and what about me

    i don't really have a preference on the hug thing cuz i haven't answered a whole bunch of your questions (maybe i have and haven't noticed?)

  6. haha yeah i think about that.

    it sounds nasty, but i can't help but wonder who's having creepy s*x fantasies about me.


  7. I don't have to wonder, I know.  It's mutual too.

    Hugs and kisses are good, it shows you care.

  8. yes i do.  i sometimes wonder if anyone goes to my profile & looks at my pics too.

    no, everyone likes huggies & kissies.

  9. I don't wonder so much who as what people are thinking about me.

    Please don't stop with the hugs and kisses.

  10. yes i wonder that all the time when im thinking about someone. me and my mom and some of my really close friends will just randomly send a text (that says thinkn bout u) to the person we are thinking about. it always makes me feel good when i get a "thinkn bout you" text.

    no keep the huggies and kissies. i can always use a hug

  11. Yeah  i do wonder who thinks about me

    my friends, my stalkers, my fiance lol

    no don't stop giving hugs i like them


  12. I always wonder who is.

    Sometimes I think no one is.

    Aw no lol, the huggies and kisses are cutee :)

  13. Yeah I do wonder like with friends and family and maybe randomers, but when someone says I thought of you today I always think how much did you think about me! but I find it complementing when someone does say it, it gives me a warm feeling that I'm loved :)

    keep the hugs and kisses you'l make someones day!!


  14. No please keep posting the hugs, i need them right now with another storm brewing!

    I wonder that sometimes. And then I want to know if anybody actually is!

  15. I do wonder sometimes...I know who I hope is thinking of me!  I think of her often, and wonder if she does the same.

    I do wonder at times, who else might be thinking of me...but not very often really : )

    Hugs and kisses are nice : )

  16. I Think about you all day long.

    Seriously, nope...I know that my friends are missing me, and also I am missing them.

    Also I know that some people do think about me, but I don't want them to.

    Also, I do wonder whether she is still thinking about me or not..I don't want her to, because I don't like her that way.

    However, I do wonder whether my contacts think about me or not.


    Don't stop giving the hugs and kisses.

    Girl and I need them.


    *Best Wishes*

    ♪♣ Đǐvǐήέ Яάў ♣♪

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  17. The only person I would want to think about me would probably be one of the last too. On the other hand after the last few day I spent with him, may be I am wrong. As for me I think of him all of the time. I can't get him out of my head.

    As for the poll: cyber hugs and kisses are the only ones I seem to get so keep them coming.

  18. errm somethimes i do and no dont stop with the hugs a

  19. There are 3 people I think about a lot. Hopefully at least one will think about me sometimes.

  20. I can't help but wonder sometimes who's thinking of me, and what they're thinking...:)

    and for your poll, hugs & kisses are always nice XOXO!

  21. actually im suprised with myself like if i am thinking about a girl i like i think about her alot but that has flown away like this one girl i had a crush on her for like 7 months its gone now like i dont even think of her too much i guess i dont even like her anymore after what she said and did which turned me off and now this girl who keeps giving me special eye contact and looks back to cheack me out i thought i would think about her cause shes really cute and gives me those special eyes but no i havent really thought about her just that time like three days after she looked at me now shes past my head i mean its weird how things can just change so quickly when i crush on someone i usually have them on my mind too much but now its like they are on my mind for a little while then there never on my mind until i see them but then that crush is gone because no move was made and nothing lasts just crushes i dont care about crushes anymore im over it blah...

    sorry i wrote alot of stuff :) i was bored i think.....i wish i could do that in my writing class when they give you one of those topics that you can only write like three sentences about...

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