
Lgbt and respectful others: what is your opinion on the DOMAs(defense of marriage acts)?

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if you dont know what they are read this:

it basically an act that says a marriage is between a man and woman only, and that any same s*x marriage license should be recognized in another state other than the one where they were allowed to marry.

what is your opinion on them and what is your argument against them/ or for them? like basically explain if you support them or not and why that is.

i think its straight up bs. a marriage should be between any two lovers, regardless of s*x. love is love. it does not see gender. so neither should marriage.haha.

so again,what is your opinion on them and what is your argument against them/ or for them? like basically explain if you support them or not and why that is.

i asked this last night but most of you were sleeping tight haha.

hugs and kisses to all of you guys:) dont let that smiley disappear from that facey.ily all.




  1. I'm against DOMA because it denies LGBT the right to marry; our Constitution exists to give people rights, not to take away our rights.

  2. I think DOMAs are ridiculous.  In the US, marriage is a legal institution which means that religion should not play a role in it.  Therefore, any two consenting adults should be allowed to marry.  I believe that churches and other religious groups should have the right to disallow same s*x marriages within their walls (i.e. if the Catholic Church does not want same s*x marriage then simply do not allow these weddings to occur in a Catholic Church) but that same s*x marriages should be done at courthouses and by religious folks who want to preside over them.  And personally, to separate the legal definition of marriage from the religious definition I believe that all legal unions should be called civil unions and that then the religious folks can call their civil unions marriages but in the eyes of the law church and state would remain separate.  I'm a straight woman and will be getting a civil union when I marry the guy I choose.  It's one of the ways I feel I can personally point out the ridiculousness of the whole "sanctity of marriage" argument - marriage is only sacred in religious terms and if we take religion out of it then who cares who gets married.  Plus, if we really wanted to keep marriage "sacred" in the Biblical sense, we should outlaw divorce in this country.

  3. I've had this discussion with my Mother, who is deeply religious but surprisingly open-minded. According to her church's interpretation of the bible (she is Anglican), "marriage" was given to "man and woman," and therefore cannot be applied to a same-s*x relationship. That doesn't mean that a same-s*x relationship is wrong, evil or in any way frowned upon by the Bible, just that it shouldn't be called a "marriage."

    Therefore, my family calls my relationship a "union" and accepts it quite happily, that I am in a long-term committed relationship with another woman.

  4. I think it's outright discrimination. Of course it's worded very cleverly so that it doesn't seem discriminatory but it's like the "separate but equal"  idea of segregated schools. They might have been separate and they were anything but equal, but it was blatant discrimination.

    And the very idea that marriage needs to be defended is laughable. With 50-percent divorce rate among heterosexual marriages, it's not same-s*x couples who are threatening it.

    Besides, nothing changes if same-s*x couples are allowed to get married, so hetero marriages aren't in trouble. So that argument is false.

    They like to say that marriage is a religious thing, well g*y and L*****n couples can just get married at city hall and that way religious zealots can keep their churches holier than though, but that won't satisfy them. The next argument will be well city hall is for (fill-in-the-blank)....and not for g**s to blah-blah-blah.

    People should be happy that other people are finding love in their hearts rather than HATE!

  5. what happened to equal rights for all?

    i agree with you. Love is love.

    sorry i missed this Q the first time...

    someone should bring that act up to the supreme court

    challenge it

  6. There isn't anything that LGBT people can do to marriage that heterosexual people haven't already done millions of times over.

  7. I definitely support the notion that marriage between for two people, regardless of gender, should be allowed!!! As you said, love is love. Gender is irrelevant, and I see no reason why people should have anything against g*y marriage. g*y couples can be great parents, contributing members of society, and devoted lifetime partners. I don't understand why some people view g*y marriage as a threat. If I find my soulmate and they happen to be of my gender, I'll want to be with them forever regardless! Support g*y marriage! xoxo

  8. I hate DOMA! Religiously I can get married but legally I can't(not christian, jewish, etc..) Straight people can get married both ways. I love my religion for that but still wish that society would at least give us something to legally lay claim to. Though I still plan on getting married across the ocean where it is legal and the people don't care so much and then living there until the US can catch up.

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