
Lgbt: what three words best describes the feeling YOU felt when you were in the closet?

by  |  earlier

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my three words: depression(ugh BIG one lol), loneliness, and that trapped feeling.

blah random question but yeah. just curious.

mini polls

:since alot of you would do that group chat( do you guys have msn? haha.

and (((BIG HUMUNGO JUMBO BEAR HUGS))) and a kissy on the cheek. have a great super fabulous, magnificent, outstanding day.and that smiley better not leave that facey lol:)keep smiling even if those cheeks hurt haha.




  1. lonley (i know no one whose g*y or a g*y community nearby), no freedom to say who i like or stuff about women - i always had to fake i like boys (still do sometimes), and fear if the other members of my family will accept me since my sisters my brother my mother and best mates only know....

    these are not 3 words i know lol but theyre  3  feelings

  2. I won't say lonely because that will be used a lot. So dark, cold, and distant, from myself and my friends.

  3. 1. Loneliness

    2. Sadness  

    3. Gah!

    tehehe.. love your (((HUMNGO JUMBO BEAR HUGS)))


    You turned this


    into this   :D  

    Hug for you!    <  ^.^  >  

  4. Sadness, stress, and the impression of not being allowed to be myself.

  5. I would love a group chat or something... yes i have MSN :)

    my three words for when I was in the closet would be......




  6. despair

    confusion and hatred ( not of myself, of the closeminded @sses around me)

  7. scared, alone, and empty. thank god thats over lol!

  8. I'm in the closet so I still feel all those 3 things you mentioned.... :'(

    Depression, Loneliness, and and that trapped feeling. :(


    Have a super fab day too! :)

  9. Well I still am in the closet, but I am so much happier now then I used to be.

    I was depressed, alone, lonely.

  10. cheater (cheating my own self)



  11. stress, panic (whenever any1 said the word g*y) and boredom

  12. fake, horny, nervous

    im still in my closet  

  13. dark dark times,ugh..shudder*

    but i guess:depression(with a capitol DEPRESSION),hate,loneliness.u just feel like ur at the bottom of a well,and everyone`s just walking around ignoring ur shouts.

    well now i`m not completely out,but i did open the closet door a bit,so there`s some fresh air now,wooof(i am Not a dog,hee hee,more like a supa cute puppy),and yes i do have msn,and if u didn`t know,well,umm,i`ve already added ya!

    hugzies!!!(as zack braffs says it)

  14. insecurity, curiosity and fear

  15. sadness , fake, and alone

  16. well i still am. there are a thousand words. but sad, depressed, confused.

  17. Distressed.



    Nope, I don't have MSN.


    Have a super fab day yourself! :]

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