
Lgbt:on a scale from 1-10, how good are you at coming up with random questions?

by  |  earlier

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i say im an 8 lol.

and mini polls:

did you like the group chat?

i did it was fun lol.

if you missed it, would you like to join?




  1. id say 10. just not at the moment...if im bored or just feeling random i can throw tons out there, but im really tired and a little now id be like a 2 maybe?

    i wasnt in the group chat. sorry

  2. i'm a 1. i can never come up with a random question. can you blink your third eye and miss a premonition?

  3. Perfect 10, I luv 2 ask questions, I come up with some very interesting ones too

  4. umm im a 2 you on the other hand are a 34747598454785648756476574657645.8 lol

  5. mmm which group chat? angryrainbows isnt there anymore :(

    im a 7 or 8 i think!

  6. I'm about a 7 but I don't always ask them

    And when was the chat, can I join in the next 1??

  7. I would say 2. I like to answer more than to ask!

  8. Not very good, but I have asked questions about hair aerials and bird p**p, so they're fairly random I guess.  Actually, the bird p**p question was a "trolling" one to see how quickly it would be deleted but it wasn't.  I still don't understand that.

    I missed the group chat.  But I've only just started getting the hang of Yahoo! Messenger, so I expect group chatting would be beyond me.    

  9. 2

    I am very bad at it, and always post ridiculous questions...and when I try to post something funny, people take it seriously and report me, because they don't get the joke!

    Once I posted a funny question, "Do you think the Bee will sting a Homophobe and turn him g*y with it's magic?"

    I know the question was silly, but all of them started yelling out, "TROLL!!!"

    Yes...I like Group chats...and I do that sometimes with my friends.

    Yes, I would like to join though.

    Thanks for the 2 Points!




    Why don't you guys use Gabbly?

    We could all chat in the LGBT Section!

    Just click on this link to open up a chat window in the LGBT section:


    Thanks for inviting me to the chat.

    I had fun, and also got to know a few stuff about Y!

    *Best Wishes*

    ♪♣ Đǐvǐήέ Яάў ♣♪

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  10. about 3 or 4 lol, i'll have to think of some

  11. I'm about a 5 with random questions.

    Chats can be fun.

  12. I'd give myself like a 9.78

    I'm always about to post random questions, but then I change my mind XD.

    Awww, how was the chat?

  13. Not very good, really. Maybe a 3..? What I am a 10 at is asking questions which get reported. lol Wtf =( Not sure if I should ask anymore. Even if I were to ask the one you just did it would get reported.






    AND U




  15. 9!  Cant you tell?  lol

    No into  group chats online!  However its always a pleasure speaking to you individually, Grrrrrr....

    Smarty pants!!

  16. I missed it... :( I wanna join! :D

    I'm an 8 probably..... :)

  17. ewell i can when i wanna, but i'll think of them at bad tiomes then forget to ask later. like i usually come up with em on the bus going to school and forget when i get back home. so i'd say a 1 or a 2, or a zero. ah, yes, Zero!

    didn't join. :(

  18. what are the last words that you spoke to an animal?

    how many blue things are in the trunk of your car?

    if you could elect to be a candy, which one would you choose to be and why?

    how 'zat, baby?

  19. "What do you say when an atheist sneezes"?

    "Why do you never see fat stick figures?"

    "If at first you don't succeed _______"? (I put skydiving isn't for you)

    "Why do we drive on a parkway and park in a driveway?"

    So yeah..I think I"m about an 8.  

  20. id say 9.5, lol. i want to ask a lot of questions but i dont want to waste my points. haha!

    what group chat? lol. ; ]]

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