
Liability for a car accident?

by  |  earlier

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My daughter worked for a transport co. ( vans and buses) July 8, 2008 the owner of the company, took the last transport vehicle for her personal uses, and in turn gave my daughter gas money to put gas in my car, requesting her to take my car and go pick up the companies 3 pm client, ( without my permission) on the way there my daughter had a car accident

and totaled my car and the car she hit... People in the other car did get injured...

I contacted my insurance company, only to find out that my insurance had just lapsed, and I was told by my insurance company they would not have covered the accident anyway, because the car was being used for commercial use at the time of the accident...

Now it seems as if I am liable...

The company will take no resposibility, as a matter of fact as of yesterday ( 20 days after the accident) the company has layed my daughter off... With no real explaination...

Please help me with some directional answers


I live in Delaware




  1. The insurance follows the vehicle, therefore, if your vehicle was not covered at the time of loss, then yes, you are liable for the damages and injuries sustained.

    Unfortunately, the company your daughter works for is not liable bc she was not driving their car.

    However, if your daughter has an auto policy, or is listed on her employers auto policy, you can submit the claim to that carrier. They will investigate and determine if they can provide coverage.

  2. You, your daughter, and the company are all liable.

    You are liable as the owner of the vehicle.

    She is liable as she was driving it.

    Her employer is liable as she was acting within the terms of her employment and performing her ordinarily assigned duties at the direction of her employer.

    You need a lawyer.  Get one.  NOW!

  3. get a lawyer. the company made her use your car for their business. AND they fired her. both are wrong. you can go after them.

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