
Liability insurance for massage therapists?

by  |  earlier

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I am doing a fair and setting up my massage chair.We are not allowed to charge,so I am offering complimentry 5 minute massages.The intent is to promote my business.I have overlooked one thing,and that is liability insurance.I will only be there for a little over 2 hours.I called my insurance company,and they can give me the insurance,but not for the event,which is in 4 days.Should I be worried that someone will want to sue me?Has anyone experienced this,and what were your results.Thanks.




  1. If you have a liablitiy policy for your business it should extend out to the fair find out from the agent or company that issued the policy. I can't see a case as to where it will take more then 4 days to issue a policy if you are a small bussiness my company I could have it done the next day if not in an hour.

  2. Well, sure they can sue you!   No one has a crystal ball.  If your table collapses, expect a lawsuit.

    The whole POINT of insurance, is if you want coverage, you have to buy it BEFORE something goes wrong.  Afterwards, well, you're on your own!!

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