
Liability vs. Casualty Insurance?

by  |  earlier

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I need some clarification. My company rents vending machines to hotels. We offer a general liability insurance on the equipment and products.

A new customer asked that we add a casualty insurace on the equipment and the products.

Is there any difference? If so, could you please explain me what? Maybe examples on how they would come into effect could help me understand better.




  1. I believe the difference would be that the general liability insurance would cover damages caused to a person or property that could be harmed at the hotels by your machines, i.e. the machine collapses and falls on someone buying a candy bar.

    the casualty insurance would cover the machine and products themselves, so if a customer's change gets stuck in the machine and they kick it in breaking the glass and stealing all the goodies (or if it catches fire, whatever), you have your own coverage to handle the damage to your machine.

    just my guess???

  2. try

  3. Casualty insurance is a much broader term that would include liability insurance.  Your GL policy should be sufficient to satisfy your customer.  Ask them exactly what they would like and they will probably describe what your GL policy covers.  If not, then let us know what they say and we will attempt to help.

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