
Liaison college toronto- tuition?

by Guest56819  |  earlier

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i am planning enroll there as soon as i could, the info stated on the site is very limited... how much exactly is the tuiton fee and all of the other things to pay for? i heard somethng about the fulltime and part time thing, what's the difference between the two? and is the culnary arts at the school is only a 2 years course or a 4 year course?

and do they have culinary management? if there is how much is the tuition? and is it also a two year course or a four year course?




  1. Typical Expenses

    Application fee: Can$100.

    Tuition: Can$6495 per 300 hours-4 months full-time, Can$6495 per 300 hours-10 months part-time.

    Program-related fees include Can$500 for utensil/tool kit; Can$245 for uniform; Can$150 for text; Can$70 for fees/dues.

    They appear to have 3 programs, each lasting 15 weeks: 1) the Cook Basic Diploma, a 15-week program which provides the hands-on and in-class theory training in classic culinary techniques 2) the Cook Advanced Diploma, offered to graduates of the Basic Cooking Program with special emphasis on meal presentation, food quality and creativity, and 3) the Personal Chef Diploma.

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