
Lib's claim US is most hated in world, Tell me why almost a million people are trying to enter this country

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every year both legaly and illegaly, but the only ones fleeing this country appear to be wanted criminals and a few military deserters that are cowards??????????????/




  1. Because they hear we are among the richest countries in the world. Shortly after arrival, they are eligible for welfare, medicaid, and any number of public assistance programs. Man, what a life for them!  Even the ones who actually work, send most Of their money back home to help bring more of their relatives here. Instead of working to improve their country they rather come here and be a drain on ours. Don't misunderstand, there are a large number who become contributing citizens, but then they are the legal arrivals. We are supporting the illegals with our tax dollars.

  2. What ticks me off more is that a lot  of those trying to get into our country don't give a hoot about it.  They only want the 'benefits'.  I used to teach English in Mexico.  Many people asked me for help in studying for their citizenship tests.  One of the questions on the test is "why do you want to become an American citizen?"  Everyone I knew answered "for the benefits, WIC, food stamps, etc."  Another question "Are you willing to serve in the military to defend the country if asked to do so?"  Answers - "no, I won't go", "No, I'm against the war in Iraq", etc.  I no longer teach English there.  It's disgusting and hypocritical that people (and other countries) have the nerve to hate the US, but they're more than willing to take and take from us, and that includes military assistance when they get in trouble.

  3. Considering that the population of rest of the world amounts to over 6000 million people I would say that your pissy little assumption that only 1 million want to enter the United States would give you the answer small mind. So in that estimation 1 person in 6000 of the people in this world that live outside the United States are trying to get in there. Not a very good percentage when you actually work it out now is it pea brain? Also most of the people that want to get into your country are spongers who don't care about America at all and once they get there will actually slag America off and say what a shithole the place is. Even the people that are trying to get in don't like your country. You can't even close your border's because your government doesn't listen to you. Your government doesn't care about your grievances. Your government does whatever it likes. That is why your country has millions of illegals living and sponging off the state. Your country is finished. It is hated by not only the rest of the world but also terribly by a large percentage of your population as well.

  4. Because they have discovered that if you tell a lie often enough, people start believing it as truth.  Thats what Socialist do, and the little fish take the bait.

  5. Liberal's are saying this?  That's news to me

  6. Money

  7. It's called beating a straw man.

  8. Because they are fleeing economic devastation in Mexico and other Central and South American nations.

    Our borders are not being overrun by Canadians and Europeans.


    edit --

    (1) For over 200 years, America represented a model of individual freedom and personal liberty, and held a moral authority it had earned through deeds as well as words.

    (2) When Bill Clinton left office, America was the most admired, respected, and trusted nation on earth.

    (3) In one brief Presidential term of office, George Bush flushed every bit of it down the toilet.

    America is not liked, not respected, and not even feared (by anyone). Even China has a higher approval rating.

  9. Who are these "Libs" anyway?

    What is a lib?

    What is a con?

  10. Cause they are jealous of what we have, and they cant get it unless they come illegally.

  11. Newt said it best - The day there are more people trying to get out of the country, then trying to come in, we might have a problem. Until then, this is the greatest country on Earth.

  12. You said,  a mouth full. Right now We are the greatest country ever,But If we don't get the right president. this election. there will be  more leaving than wanting to come in . in fear of  losing their freedom.and fearing   what will happen here when they pull the troops out.  Because if you dance you have to pay the fiddler. just that simple.Due to finances I will have to stay regardless, but, I will never drink the kool-aid. even if it means death.

  13. They want money

    notice how the don't blend in like they use to

    this used to be a melting pot now they get here and fly their crappy flags wont speak English and expect you to bend over backwards for them they no longer want to be Americans they just want money

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