
Liberal National Party discussion forum worth joining?

by Guest63595  |  earlier

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Searched on the Liberal National Party of Queensland and found their new discussion forum.

Looks like its still under construction and I haven't joined it yet but I'm wondering if I should bother. I have some good suggestions for policies they might take to next years state election but do politicians ever really listen to community input. Seems to me its more of a PR exercise intended to make voters think they are listening. Am I being overly pessimistic? We have a two party system in Australia and both of them look identical to me. They probably play golf together at weekends and put on a show of hating each other during question time. Both sides know what questions are going to be asked anyway. Nobody has joined this forum yet but that might be because its new. OnlineOpinion and MyTalk always have the same people posting there so maybe I'm not alone in feeling its a waste of time sending in my concerns. Ofcourse I could be totally wrong in thinking this new merged party will mean nothing except more of the same politics we've put up with for decades but I'd like to know what others think. Is it worth my time joining such a political forum. It would be kind of cool to be the first member.




  1. So you're a conservative, big deal!

    Now that we have Labor (social) government in all states and Canberra I hope we will have a golden era of social reform and freedom, instead of another era of making rich fatcats rich, picking on poor people, g*y people, and foreigners....and sucking up to America.

    Down with the Liberals!

    Down with the Nationals!

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