
Liberal Women, can you explain this to me?

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I have a female friend, who is a liberal...I mean she hates George Bush like I hate the warts on my feet.

I took her out shooting. It was the first time she shot a gun. Long story short...I created an animal. I mean...I'm talk'n an NRA vixen. (She actually got more horny too...not that I would touch her or anything. h**l, I wouldn't touch her if we were saimese twins)

What do you make of that? Do shooting guns make you know...classy... and conservative?

I actually kind of like it...




  1. maybe after years of conservative repression of women from wage disparity to gonzales v. carhart, your friend was just exhibiting some feminist backlash and liked the authority of a weapon. guns = class? i think those two concepts are mutually exclusive, unless you find rambo demure. tell your friend to put down the gun and pick up a pen so she can right to her congressman and petition equal rights instead of just shooting up the place.  

  2. Shooting a gun does not make you liberal or Conservative nor does belonging to the NRA. Whether you are either is shown by what you choose to shot at. Generally that can be described by whether you have the weapon to protect yourself and tolerate those you disagree with (liberal) or use it to force others to your point of view and shoot those who will not (conservative).

    As for the other, it is more individual than you imply. Is the person turned on by having power or wary of what they might do with it.

  3. Maybe she was fantasizing about George Bush!

  4. Hate to break this to you but some liberal, just like some conservative, like to shoot.  Liberals just think that we should limit the number of AT-4's and M-2's that a drug dealer should own.

  5. Lib's are just people that haven't experienced the Joys of being Conservative yet.... it's the age factor, everyone is bound to grow up sooner or later.

  6. Guns have little to do with politics. If someone is already liberal, and they shoot a gun or go hunting and decide they like it, they are not automatically conservative. There are a lot more points to consider when determining what political stand point you abide by.

  7. Well, I'm a Lib and pro-gun. I already know I'm classy, but it's not because I like shootin'.

  8. Well, I'm not a women, but...  Most liberals are not out to eliminate all guns (yes, there are always extremists).  

    Enjoying guns and being liberal are not mutually exclusive.  Gun control isn't really a hot topic, but the main idea is just to extend the waiting period for 2 more days along with holding parents accountable for what their kids do with the guns.  

    The 2nd ammendment: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

    This implies that there is a larger responsibility to your city, state, and/or country.

    The currently proposed re-writes to the Constitution are from the conservatives.

  9. Liberal women hunt and target shoot. It's not exclusively  a conservative thing.  

  10. Anyone that has ever shot a gun becomes a 2nd Amendment supporter. I don't know why but it always happens.

  11. I don't see how shooting guns influences your political views. Shooting at things is acting out childish behavior, not being classy.  Just in case you think I'm closed-minded, I tried it before.  I went paint-balling in July and I don't see the fascination with it.  Hunting may actually be done for the sake of getting food, but most in today's America don't have to hunt to eat.  Your friend just got excited because she found a new hobby she was good at.

  12. Neither. They just make you want to shoot things.

  13. Sounds like you are trolling.

  14. Thats the exact reason why Palin scares me. She enjoys killing and gutting animals and has zero respect for the wildlife in Alaska. Look out people if you vote her in you are in for major problems. And Yes you are welcome here in Canada.

  15. The link in America between guns and conservatism is truly wierd.

  16. I think someone is attracted to her.

  17. I've shot many a gun, I don't belong to the NRA and I don't believe they have the right attitude.

    That said, I don't believe in gun control, that's like believing in the Tooth Fairy, its not going to happen, lets just find a way to keep guns out of the hands of lunatics and children.  Lets make sure we keep guns and ammo separate and although it pains me, lets not keep loaded guns around the house. The child that couldn't reach the gun yesterday can today, and the teen who wants to show off to his friend is a prime target of accidents.

    Gun shooting, even hunting, isn't the purview of the conservatives.

    I'm a liberal, and I approved this statement.

  18. Sounds like you are a bit confused. May I suggest that the next thing you should do is to get rid of those warts. Then you won't have to hate anymore. Then the other matters will fall into place including your prospecting for horns.

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