
Liberal candidates are supported by their base because they love their country or their promise of freebies?

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Liberal candidates are supported by their base because they love their country or their promise of freebies?




  1. Life is not worth living if there are no freebies!

  2. Please put a check mark in the "freebie column" for me..  thanks...

  3. you would have to ask Liberal GW Bush

    Freebies = $300 billion a year of US tax $ to Halliburton

    Freebies = Billions in Exxon profit

  4. Liberals believe they are helping the unfortunate:

    "If  you’re  a conservative at 20 you have no heart.   If  you’re  a liberal at 40 you have no brain." -Lewis Black-

    "A Republican will p*ss on you. A Democrat will give you an umbrella  then p*ss on you." -Bill Maher-

    "A Democrat taxes, and spends. A Republican spins and attacks"

    I call myself a Liberal, but I want the US jobs to stay in the US

    I call myself a conservative, but I want the prisoners in Guitmo free if they have not committed a crime

    I am a liberal but I don't support g*y marriage

    I am a conservative but I think people should have a choice

  5. If you mean free cake, then yes.

    If you mean not paying that GOP "middle class tax increase", then yes too, please.

  6. there are freebies? where? i haven't even seen free shirts.

  7. Affluent urban white liberal yuppies--the Democtratic base--have jobs and education.  They don't need freebies.

    They vote Dem because they hate the war, have progressive social values, and hate bible-banging crazy conservatives.

  8. If you don't get by now... you never will.

    It has to be a terrible life, only seeing what you want to see. Never growing as a person.

    Believe what you want, people like you aren't based in reality.

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