
Liberals, can you tell us what your stance is on the following?

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abortion, gun control, movie stars, the wealthy, the homeless, taxes, the environment, Christianity and finally, Islamm? I just want yahoo readers to know how you really feel about these issues. Liberals only please.




  1. Abortion: Pro choice

    Gun control: Yes! Stricter laws (guns breed violence-boooo)

    Movie stars: Don't care about that superficial garbage, try concentrating on things that have an ounce of importance and a basis in reality.

    The wealthy: No lobbying, raise taxes instead of Bush's tax cuts for the rich, use money in a progressive way.

    The homeless: A proliferation of programs to shelter, feed, and seek jobs for. From non-profits and mostly government funding (an unnecessarily huge percentage of federal budget goes to national defense anyway *

    Taxes: Raised for the wealthy, lowered for the poor, most importantly a halt on spending so much tax money on national defense! And more on the important matters like the environment and education, get your priorities straight. Put tax money into making health care universal.

    Environment: Should be of tremendous concern. USE SOLAR AND WIND POWER, stop deforestation, outlaw SUVs and all vehicles with an MPG less than set rate, organic foods, sustainable materia use and building methods, bring down consumerism, recycle, compost, etc... Except that global warming is a fact and needs to be dealt with seriously now!

    Christianity: Freedom to believe what you would like, only lay off on proselytizing please. I am an atheist and tolerance is important.

    Islam: Again freedom of belief, though the very small percent of radical extremists who resort to violence should be looked into with peaceful diplomacy. Stop stereotyping.

  2. Abortion: Freedom of choice

    Gun control: NO!

    Movie stars: I couldn't care less

    The wealthy: They are usually wealthy because they take advantage of someone along the road to wealth

    The homeless: Need more programs to help

    Taxes: A necessary evil, but sometimes unfair

    The environment: There IS global warming, it is not a myth

    Christianity: I believe in God

    Islam: No problem with Islam, but the extremists need to be dealt with

  3. abortion- women should have the right to choose

    gun control- is fine the way it is. (if it aint broke, don't fix it)

    movie stars- have become too important in our childrens eyes. (hannah montana obsessions, anyone?)

    the wealthy- what about 'em?

    the homeless- most of the time are infortunate, and need a little help to get back on their feet.

    taxes- are annoying but neccessary to run a stable government

    the environment- is in crisis, and needs our help

    Christianity- is a religion?

    Islamm- ... again, what about it?

  4. Abortion....Pro choice

    Gun Control...believe in right to bar arms but not semi automatic weapons (no need for that)

    Movie stars...let them entertain us that's how they make money

    the wealthy...I want to know how they made the money so i can become wealthy too

    the homeless.....feel sorry for them we should try and help them as much as we can but they need to help themselves too

    taxes...need them to a make the world go around

    the environment....needs protected since it's already falling apart and we can't live w/out it

    Christianity and Islam....don't believe in religion...i think all religion is the same. Believe in a invisible guy that controls the world ..don't think so.

  5. Movie stars?  who cares--hollywood has continued to make bad movies during the past 6 or 7 years.  

    abortion?  personally against it, but its a personal choice,

    the wealthy?  many have become rich thanks to government subsidies

    the homeless?  we shouldn't have as many poor people as we do if we are such a great country

    taxes?  How else do we pay off this enormous deficit that the fiscally responsible republicans have created?

    Christianity and Islam?  People should worship what they want, but don't wear it on your sleeve.

    The environment--every scientist who has written a peer review article in the past 10 years has said that we are in trouble if we don't do something soon.

    Gun control?  Its not an issue that concerns me

  6. ut oh

  7. abortion, don't like it... but I think it should be legal... with restrictions

    guns... don't really like them... but I think they should be legal... with restrictions...

    movie stars... I watch their movies... that's about it...

    the wealthy... I think they often take more than they give... not all, but many... we should have a record breaking economy right now if they didn't with all the tax breaks they've been given...

    homeless... sad, but I think most are a failure of our mental health system... I don't know if I've ever met a sane homeless person....

    taxes... necessary evil.... all governments have them... sometimes they need to be raised, sometimes dropped... depends on what the nation needs...

    environment... I think that the scientists know what they are talking about and something needs to be done... not so sure it's an immanent doomsday though...

    Chirsianity... don't mind it as long as they don't try to change the law or kill people... which they've been fairly good about the "killing people" part in the past 60 or so years...

    Islam... don't mind it as long as they don't try to change the law or kill people... haven't been as good about the killing people part recently...

  8. Abortion - 100% Pro-Choice

    Gun Control - Unconstitutional and wrong. We already have 20,000 gun laws that don't even work. Do we really need any more?

    Movie stars - wtf? I don't really care about movie stars.

    The wealthy - Well I don't believe they should be the ones getting all of these tax cuts, that's for sure.

    The homeless - I'd like to see them in homes eventually, but I don't see why anyone would object to providing shelters and food for them for the time being.

    Taxes - We should at least repeal the Bush tax cuts for the rich

    Environment - We should stop senseless logging caused by the Bush Administration and protect our forests. We should also reduce emissions and clear our skies. Global warming is real, there is no doubt about this. Everyone should agree that clean air is important even if you don't believe humans caused global warming. Clean water is also important. There definitely needs to be far more regulations to preserve our environment. The Bush Administrations has destroyed many of the regulations set fourth by the Clinton Administration and really raped our land. It is disgusting what damage one man can do to a whole country.

    Christianity - First amendment right

    Islam - Same as above. Freedom of religion. People should be able to believe whatever they want.

  9. Sure

    A) Abortion: I do not believe the government should have a voice in decisions over my body.  That would include a Terry Schiavo situation.  I also believe that until we reduce infant mortality abortion isn't even an issue.

    B) I believe that people have the right to own weapons.  I also believe that they don't have the right to walk into a store and buy an AK-47 with no ID and no background check.  The Brady Bill has stopped over 100,000 felons from getting weapons in their hands.

    C) The wealthy have the right to their money.  They also have the social responsibility to pay taxes.

    D) Homeless are often mentally ill and/or vets.  We need to reexamine policies on both.  We also need more stable temp housing for people with families.  Children shouldn't suffer due to their parents poor choices.

    D) Taxes are a civic duty.

    E) The environment is something we need to protect and conserve.  

    F) Christianity is fine.  However, the only person who should judge me is God.

    G) Muslims believe in the same God as Christians do.  Extremists are bad from any religion.

    Forgot about movie stars, but frankly they don't influence me. Nor do I really care.

  10. Abortion: pro-choice

    gun control: mixed feelings

    movie stars: indifferent

    the wealthy: depends on how they BECAME wealthy

    homeless: need a place to live--housing for all should be a national priority

    taxes: don't mind paying them, just prefer they not be used as they currently are (near 40 percent on "defense")

    the environment: it is crucial not to fubar ecosystems

    Christianity: a good religion, some jagoffs adhere to it

    Islam: a good religion, some jagoffs adhere to it

  11. abortion- pro-choice women are gonna try to get abortions no matter what we do.  its better for them to do it in a hospital than on some unlicensed doctors table

    gun control- make it harder to get a gun in states that are very lenient

    movies stars- couldnt care less

    the wealthy- eat the rich by aerosmith says it all

    homeless- more government assistance

    taxes- less for poor more for rich

    environment-  global warming = fact

    christianity and islam- people should be allowed to practice there religion without being fit into a stereotype. (not all muslim are extremist, a very very small percent are actually)

  12. Abortion: For

    Gun Control: Is necessary

    Movie Stars: Superficial, there a A LOT more important issues in the world than what Miley Cyrus did today

    The wealthy: no opinion

    The homeless: need support

    Taxes: Are necessary in order to have a satisfactory community

    The environment: One of the largest issues and deserves much more attention than what is currently being done in N.America

    Christianity: Has too much of a large role in the definition of religion

    Islam: Should not be stereotyped

  13. States Rights.

    Ban hand guns and assault rifles (but I'm Very Pro 2nd Amendment)

    What about movie stars ?

    I'd rather be rich than poor.

    Shelters and all the rice and beans they can eat.

    Flat Tax.

    Hug more trees !

    I'm a Jack Catholic.

    World wide those that practice Islam are nothing but problems.

    and since you forgot

    Nationalized Health Care

  14. abortion: Pro choice

    gun control: criminals should not be able to get them

    movie stars: overrated and seen too much on the newsstand

    wealthy: can i borrow a dollar

    homeless: too many, why?

    taxes: necessary evil.  We are not oil rich with a regime running things after all

    environment: Uh, why put poisons in the air and our water?

    christianity and islam: Don't tread on me

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