
Liberals, now that The House of Limbaugh is worth 400 million why can't your commentators get that money? more

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On their own merits? Limbaugh is an outsider after all and in contrast I will enjoy his company (provided the Fairness Doctrine fails) for another 8 years.




  1. It is easy to make money when you are a corporate shill and pander to the halls of power.

  2. I bet the fat terd drops dead

  3. What exactley is a "liberal"? You guys love to throw that term around . What does it mean?

    Aren't the liberals the ones that made Bill Clinton back off from Bin Laden when the Cole was attacked ,thus allowing him to escape? And then spent money worrying about if he got his d**k sucked in the office by some s***k? Or were they the ones whom allowed Or were the liberals the ones pushing this country to the brink of third world status by allowing the rich to pay small portion of the taxes ( big business, etc.) while allowing the middle class to be screwed by paying for it all. **** Rush Limbaugh hes a junky anyway pill popping crybaby Oh I forgot he went into rehab and he is all well now .. Too bad our country wont be able to recover from the NON liberals who ran this country into the ground

  4. I don't care about what Rush Limbaugh has to say or his money. What difference does it make that he has 400 million? It just means he'll argue all the more for tax cuts for people like him.

  5. he tells it the way it is

  6. Yeah, the "House of Limbaugh" is worth $400 prescription drugs.

    Got any proof to back up your claim?

  7. Oh, you are going to hear from the Libs with this one!!

    But of course you are right. What's more, in addition to his steadfast anti-Liberal campaign, he has been less than enthusiastic over McCain and is making no bones about saying as much. So he is hardly in the back pocket of the GOP as some would like you to believe.

    That makes his continued success even more delicious.

    To Itsyourw... LOL... Read it and weep, Dude:

  8. Hey, I'm a lib. I do like Rush's articulate English and courtesy. The man is a professional and is able to frame complex ideas into precise definitions. On Illegal Immigration I consider Mr. Limbaugh to be the only friend I have. Indeed, because of Rush, we have a radio station in my market that isn't Spanish broadcast.

    But, in four days you get the whole story of what he's trying to say. By day five, it is repetitive and repetitive. I have to wait two years before I punch the AM band button on my dashboard.

    For all I know, the Spanish jockeys are making money. How much? I can't answer your question. I know several languages, but Spanish is not one of them. But I can tell you the price of pot is almost as cheap as Budweiser and we have several new, local banks that don't advertise on the Rush Limbaugh Hour.

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