
Liberals,women in particular,have always embraced strong women who balance work&family why not Palin?

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Liberals,women in particular,have always embraced strong women who balance work&family why not Palin?




  1. Bragging about being a mother of 5 (more like 4) and how honored she is to serve McCain is not my idea of a "strong woman."  Strong women don't work full-time and take on all the domestic duties themselves, they share and relegate because they speak up.

  2. Because she is a Republican,A gun toten Bible reading 2 fisted lady

  3. I will play nice and just say Palin is not my idea of a strong woman.

  4. she is the opposite of what a liberal woman is.  

  5. Because Palin is a conservative, anti-choice, anti-environment, fundamentalist who wants creationism and abstinence taught in public schools at taxpayers' expense.  Palin wanted books banned in the public library where she was mayor and tried to get the librarian who refused, fired so she is also anti free speech.  Why would any liberal embrace these ideologies?

    How is she balancing work and family when she is running around the country with a special needs newborn and a pregnant teen?  In my book, there is no balance there.  Stay home, Sarah, and put your own house in order before you try to take on the country.  You are way over your head here.

  6. Because she doesn't tow the feminist party line.  She's not afraid to stand up for what she believes in and not pander.  Because she owes them nothing, they tear her and her family to shreds.

  7. She doesn't have NEARLY enough experience to qualify her for this position. What's going to happen if McCain croaks?  we'd be screwed.

  8. Because they fear that she will take away Obama's thunder. Yes, I understand Obama just had a large jump in the polls but things do change.

  9. It doesn't seem like she's balancing the two so much.  

  10. Yeh sure ..the President always has plenty of free time...In fact, they should just stay in bed and eat candy and watch Oprah.  

  11. Strong women? She was a t.v. news girl.. give it up.  

  12. you gotta respect any working mother of 5 who gets up at 3 a.m. to hunt moose and is a marksman. better watch it.

  13. Her ideals are completely the opposite of mine.  Apparently you think like McCain, that if he picked a woman, then women would automatically vote for him.  We aren't that naive.

  14. Liberal women are prochoice, proscience and for sensible gun control.

    Palin is not.

  15. Palin is anti-women, anti-choice, anti-s*x ed, anti-birth control, anti-science.....she is NOT remotely in line with MOST american women

  16. Whenever there's a strong woman for whatever reason the media loves to attack her children as if to say "let this be a lesson to you ladies"

    Chealsea had the same thing happen.....people calling her a dog on SNL (or some show like that) when her parents were in office.

    It's just what foolish sexist men do..sadly there's nothing that can be done.

    When Bush's daughters were caught drinking no one thought he should step down and take care of his daughters.  Its a bullshit double standard.

  17. 1. Palin is ultra conservative -- not progressive.

    2. Palin is extremely anti-choice.

    3. Palin is a member of an anti-contraception political action group.

    4. Palin is extremely pro oil (Drill, Drill, Drill).

    5. Palin does not care a l**k about climate change.

    6. Palin does not support alternative energy.

    7. Palin supports hunting wolves by aircraft (an unfair hunting practice).

    8. Palin is a member of the religious right.

    This is in diametric opposition to liberal values and erodes the basis of women's rights.

  18. Not me I think raising children is very important and one of the reasons we have so many screwed up children is because their parents don't put enough time into them, I am raising my children myself, a daycare worker is not going to do my job for me (but some women do not have this choice, I understand that).

    This woman chose to keep her child with down syndrome and has a pregnant teenage daughter who will need her help.  I would respect her more if she chose to be there for THEM, not John McCain.

    I also do not agree with many of her views.

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