
Liberals and conservatives: lift machine gun ban???

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this is a question for LIBERALS AND CONSERVATIVES ONLY. NO LIBERTARIANS becuz i already know what your guys's answer is!

in 1986, congress passed gun legislation that included a ban on private ownership of machine guns registered after the date of the legislation. this means that by federal law, you cannot own a fully automatic gun that was registered after this bill became law. as a result, there are a limited number of machine guns available to civilian market and they usually cost more than 10 thousand dollars.

do you think that this law should be lifted so that civilians can own NEW machine guns, so that the prices will go down, so they can own guns like the P90, G36, HK UMP, Mk. 17, all of which are automatic guns made after the 1986 ban?

(I am doing this for a political experiment)




  1. Guns already kill 30,000 people a year in the US.

    And you want to kick that up a notch, obviously.


    I'm Canadian.  It's sane up here.

  2. no, there is no point to it, that would only pose a greater threat to police, machine guns aren't used in competition, hunting, or recreation

  3. conservative, I see no need for private ownership of fully automatic weapons of any style,if history were to repeat it self those weapons you refer to would eventually end up under the control of ne'er do wells to create havoc like the bank robbery in Hollywood ca. a few years ago, fully aoutomatic weapons aren't any good for "plinking or target shooting, nor hunting so why the need?

  4. Conservative I think it needs to stand.

  5. Why does anyone need a machine gun?  Only if he  is up to no good.  I do not like guns but I do believe that we should be able to own them after a background check and instruction on their use.

    I am conservative


    This was understood in the Thirties, when the National Firearms Act was passed.  Congress put a tax on the transfer of certain weapons, such as full automatics, sawed off shotguns, silencers & c.  Because the Constitution was better understood, Congress used a tax.

    Today, because of the apathy and ignorance of the American people, our federal public servants do as they please.  How many Americans realize the the federal government does not have the authority to ban any type of weapon.  The only reference to arms in the Constitution is the Second Amendment, and that says "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED".  I would think banning certain weapons would constitute infringing a Constitutional right.  What do you think?

    Studies have shown, and I can comment from personal experience in Iraq, the more guns in private hands, the less crime (and terrorism).

    We all know that criminals, and terrorists target people who are unable to defend themselves.  We also know that the criminals are already armed.  Does anyone think that ANY gun law ever inconvienced a criminal?  Just the opposit.  Gun laws make it safer for a criminal to practice his trade.

    In case you haven't figured it out, criminal politicians also favor gun laws.  You know what they say about birds of a feather!

    We don't need firearms laws.  We need criminals taken out of circulation.  If our politicians refuse to do this, we need to replace them.  We need politicians who can discriminate between the criminal and the citizen.  The public servant is NEVER entitled to violate the rights of the citizen.

    Violations of our civil rights are infringements of the Bill of Rights.  Not only infringments of the Second Amendment, but attacks on the First, Fourth and Fifth.  Of course, I am referring to the Patriot Act, the Military Commissions Act, the Real ID Act, the legalization of torture, and the Department of Homeland Terrorism.  

    Misuse of a firearm is a crime.  It does not matter whether it is a single shot .22, or a .50 caliber machine gun.  It is the misuse of the firearm that needs to be punished, not posession of a "politically incorrect" rifle with a bayonet lug, or even a machine gun.  We cannot allow criminal politicians to set a precedent that they have the power to determine which firearms we are allowed to own.  I think you can all see where that leads.

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