
Liberals are rude,arrogant ____________?

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Went to Crawford,TX with a group of Legion Riders(part of the American Legion organization) to show support for the troops and the President while Cindy Sheehan was doing her thing.Those wonderful Liberals spit at us,through trash at us,flipped us off,and called us more vile and disgusting names than i can recall.For a group that "supports" free speech etc... I'm a little confused.Is your support only for those who support your beliefs?

And for those of you who were also there,I was the big guy on the Harley that gave you the wake up call that Sunday morning,try to learn the difference between the sound of a Harley backfire and a gunshot.The deputies,secret service, troopers,and I had a huge laugh at that call you made:)




  1. Isn't freedom of assembly and freedom of speech wonderful? Just think of how bad it would have been for you and for them if we didn't have such freedoms. While they should not have spat at you, disgusting, I am sure much of it did not go unprovoked. I wouldn't doubt you came in with huge signs and shouts of taunts toward them so I would say you are not so lily white in this matter as you seem to portray yourself and your buddies. Human nature dictates your behavior as it does theirs.  Not all liberals are rude and arrogant any more than all conservatives are rude and arrogant. That group very likely was and I'll bet your group was too.

  2. hypocrits?  I love the Legion Riders.  I wish I rode, i would join you.  :(

  3. Many of these 'peace seeking liberals' can be of the most sinister, intolerant and vituperative behavior imaginable.

    I saw this for myself at a Blue Angels show not all that long ago.

    No quarter was given by the 'enlightened liberals'; families with small children were assailed with shouts of "future murders".

    Yes, I've seen the face of progressive politics and it very much resembles what I imagine the Bolsheviks were like.

    Thanks for popping a cap off, btw.

  4. LOL Timmy P a hilljack, that's great!  Saying that all liberals are rude and arrogant is like saying all cons are lying hypocrites and anyone who rides a Harley is in the KKK.  You never know what's going to happen to you when you go to Texas.

  5. You'rwe "Amos with the Harly?"

    Bet you're really Wally with the moped.

  6. I'm sure there are 2 sides to that story and not just your version.

  7. Sure, you're the guy on the Harley. Post a pic, so we don't think you're another con lying.

    But nice Rant.

  8. idiots

  9. I love how people label things they don't like as liberal.  It's the new slur.

  10. I agree with Goldenrae. Using "liberals" as a dirty label is unintelligent and immature. Do you even know what liberal means?

  11. "I was the big guy on the Harley that gave you the wake up call that Sunday morning"


  12. HAHA!  One of the two types of Republicans.  A Hilljack.  It's either you or the wealthy that voted this clown we call a president in, TWICE!  When are you morons going to wake up?  Soon, there will be no Republican Party because of you oblivious scumbags.  So Amen to that!

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