
Liberals - can we abort welfare recipients?

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I hear many times on here that Abortion is OK, because it is not a baby, but a parasite. The dictionary defines parasite as the following - 1. an organism that lives on or in an organism of another species, known as the host, from the body of which it obtains nutriment.

2. a person who receives support, advantage, or the like, from another or others without giving any useful or proper return, as one who lives on the hospitality of others.

Doesn't someone who lives off of welfare fit the second definition, and the first as much as a fetus does (with the host being society/the Gov't/taxpayers). I asked a question whether or not welfare recipients should be able to vote, but it seems that because people define a fetus as a parasite, thus making it OK to abort (not "murder") them, can we abort people who do not work and simply live off of welfare?




  1. The ONLY people I've ever heard call the baby a parasite is a Pro-lifer describing what HE thinks pro-choice peoplethink.

    By the way, how many of these unwanted children have YOU adopted?


    is the pro-life stance the same as you conservatives stance on Iraq

    participation is good for everyone ------------------------- but YOU

  2. I don't think of it as a parasite, but if people want abortions, then I don't really care. In many cases the women who have the unwanted kids will end up on welfare anyway.

    So, how about that!?

  3. What about Corporations who receive Government subsidies? Can we abort them? They cost the US taxpayers BILLIONS of dollars per year. MUCH more than all the welfare recipients combined. Why do people like you aim for the smallest fish in the barrel? Why is it only "socialism" when the wealth is distributed to those who NEED it, but when it's distributed to those at the top who DON"T need it, it's okay with you. Hypocrites.

    VOTE OBAMA In '08!!

  4. You asked 'can we abort people who do not work and simply live off of welfare'?  And I have to ask you what infant leaves the womb and enters the work world?

    Edit;  The argument for choice does not revolve around 'parasites' but rather the idea that the gov't does not have a right to make medical choices for a person.

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