
Liberals explain this????

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How can Liberals try to take Americans hand gun rights away and at the same time give rights to prisoners at Gitmo? Do they think Americans can't see through their anti-Americanism?




  1. 2nd amendment is supported by all sides....we simply don't believe it is necessary--for hunting or defence of your home--to have armor piercing assualt rifles. Gitmo detainees are required under law to be given access to lawyers, be charged with a crime, and be tried in a speedy manner. It is unlawful to hold people indefinately without charges.

  2. we DON'T want to take away the 2nd Amendment.

    in a war without end we can't keep POW's locked up forever without giving them a few rights

  3. I believe we should be able to have guns as well. I don't want someone to break into my home and hurt me or mine. I own 2 hands and 3 rifles and was taught to shoot at a young age by my father. WWII vet. If all the gang bangers have guns it's only right we have them to protect ourselves as well. As for Gitmo we in America believe in some sort of legal representation for people, ever if they are our enemy. Just one thing folks if your going to go get or have a gun make sure you keep it up from young ones if you have them  make sure you know how to shoot. Just call me Granny. LIBERALS FOR SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHTS.

  4. What are you talking about?  Liberal here, 5 guns, makes own bullets.  Pissed about Gitmo.  Are you crazy?  I have never heard an actual Liberal say anything along those lines.  You are an idiot for repeating such ignorant Propaganda.  Lesson #1:  Liberal = free thinking individual, observe whole picture and has an open mind.  Gun Control = holocaust.  Free thinking, Liberal view.  Liberals wrote the constitution r****d.

  5. This just doesn't make any sense to me.

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