
Liberals - how do you feel about the upcoming election?

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In 2000, Bush's "victory" over Gore was devastating. His re-election in 2004 was nearly as bad. Now 70% of the country thinks we're headed in the wrong direction, Republicans are poised to be crushed in congressional elections, and yet Obama and McCain are nearly neck-and-neck.

Personally while I'm still reasonably optimistic that Obama will win (and if he does, my confidence in and pride of the US will be restored), I'm also very nervous about the possibility that McCain/Palin will pull out the victory. It stuns me that after the last 8 years this election can even be close enough to worry about. If McCain wins, I'll be completely devastated and disillusioned in the US.

I'm wondering how other liberals feel. Are you confident that Obama will win? Scared that McCain will win?




  1. I'm looking forward to election day because its my first time voting and, were about to get a Democrat in the office to fix this country, Obama/Biden'08

  2. It's 49-42....Obama, a supposed "nobody".  Republicans should be very concerned.  they are probably plotting to steal the election like they did in Fla. 2000.

  3. Considering that the American people twice put GW Bush in office (well, if you want to count that first utterly bogus election), I am not confident that Obama will win. It seems ridiculous to think that anyone, even the most die-hard right winger, could possibly want four more years of Republican disaster, but, as H.L. Mencken once said, nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.

    I don't know; I just don't know. My only consolation is that McCain could not possibly be as bad as Bush.  

  4. I Pray that Obama wins. The thought of McSame and his woman winning just makes me sick.

  5. I think Bush winning in 2004, after all the mistakes he made, was the lowest point in American politics I've ever seen.  What do they say?  Fool me once...

  6. Obama is going to win in a landslide of Reaganesque proportions.  

  7. I'm really hopeful that Obama will win.  However, I just moved back to NYS with its heavy liberal roots from the Midwest and during my time there was really disheartened by politics as usual out there.  I don't know what the entire country will decide.

    I have a brother in Iraq, of course I'm worried about McCain winning the election.

  8. After last night better than I've ever felt. I was nervous about Palin waiting to hear her speak. About 5mins into her speech I went back to clipping my toe nails.

  9. What does it matter who wins.  Its not they run the show anyways.

    ? for you peeps;...

  10. I'm old enough to say that I couldn't believe Nixon got elected, then RE-elected, even after Watergate. I couldn't believe an actor got elected - Ronald Regan. Now I look back at those times as the good old days. The Republicans are the party of fear - they scare you into voting for them and against the Democrats.

    And they are good at it. And fear is a powerful gut level motivator that trumps all logic and facts. OOOO Tax and  Spend, Tax and Spend ! Commies under your bed ! (1968) Al Queda under your bed (2008). Most people scare very easily. And it works. You don't have to know any facts to be afraid - in fact it helps if you don't.

    Though it is not true that most most conservatives are stupid, it is true that most stupid people are conservative. It's hard to be liberal ( i.e. broad-minded) if you lack intelligence.  

  11. I voted for that over rated Kerry and the phony global warming

    Al Gore..i know they did not get elected i am voting for

    John McCain and Sarah Palin..the first time for a GOP

    but that is because I do not believe the Democrats are the party that

    is going to get this country back on is a disaster in congress

  12. I'm not sure I am a "liberal" since that term has been bandied about pretty wantonly and disgustingly in the last 30 years or more.

    Regardless, I agree - how ascinine the c**p I hear about Obama vs. McSame.  It is depressing to hear stuff like:

    "Oh Obama is too popular, he's like a rock star."

    "People in other countries love Obama.  Be afraid."

    "Liberal, communist, muslim!"

    "I don't want to lose the war."

    "What about g*y marriage?  Abortion?"

    "Well, they're just going to assassinate him anyway."

    Yeah it's tough to sit back and watch the spin, watch the erosion of individual thought, replaced with talk radio rhetoric.  But it's our process and perhaps this is "conservative" thinking, but this is what happens with "mob rule."  Whomever can spin the issues and villify their opponent the best wins for at least half this country.

    And I'll admit it.  The Republicans are way better at doing this and way better at cheating than those soft liberals... it's like some of these Democrats think they can win with substance and appeal to people's intelligence.  They have no clue what they are up against... except maybe this Obama cat has it figured out.  He certainly is a strong personality and pretty darn even keeled.  Guess we'll see...

    The stolen election with Gore was devastating because it was dishonest and it really felt to me like an attack on Science in general.

    Can we all start saying "I told you so!" now?

  13. Well considering i'm probably considered liberal due to my pro-choice and womens rights views (though I consider myself a moderate) I feel I can respond.  I mainly fear the McCain campaign now because its swung from what seemed the middle to the FAR right.  Palin while being a women which is great and all has stone age beliefs.  I fear that McCain will win and my greatest fear of that comes from the fact that he will most likely appoint at least 1 more supreme court judge (possibly two) who were previously considered liberal judges.


    never it the fact of 8 more yr  

  15. Your totally right. After the Liberals were talking about the Republican brand being so unpopular, how can it be this close. The answer is simple. You picked the wrong person to run. There is no other logical explanation for it. Big mistake. The guy has no experience and Americans aren't stupid enough to just vote for him without considering that. How many of you Liberals will say it is because your fellow Americans are stupid? That would explain it better than the truth I guess or at least make you feel like it isnt your fault.

    To think that I was very worried this year as a Republican and now feel so confident is really a suprise to me. Your Party always seems to pick the wrong people. Do they do this on purpose?

  16. I am scared because I have watched Bush be elected not once but twice and now the Republicans are doing everything they can to discredit the Democrats and many people are listening even when fact after fact shows the Republicans are lying or twisting the truth. Many Republicans seem to be very afraid of any changes that might improve the condition of our country and others are resigned to leaving things as they are. Obama has the intelligence and skills to be a great president and his ideas on the issues are insightful and would work. This Palin creature scares me more than anyone because she has the ambition to push through her agendas regardless of what is best for the country and the people in it.

  17. I agree with you 100%.  I'm going to go to the polls and put in my vote and hope it's enough.  If it's not, then I'll be devastated.  I cannot imagine living in a country for another 4 to 8 years where I don't feel proud to be American.  I feel like that would be restored if Obama were elected.  You'd think people would have learned after Bush, but I guess they never will.  I can't believe that some people still say he's a good president.  I wonder if they spend any time paying bills or going out of the house at all, because it's a mess out there.  I used to be proud to say I was American, now I'm a bit ashamed.  Not to mention, we've lost basic rights such as the first amendment.  

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