
Libero Calls?

by  |  earlier

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i may be playing libero this year, and i was wondering if someone could give me a detailed explanation of the calls i should make and when to make them...i know to yell "outside" when the setter sets for an outside hitter and the same with "middle", and to yell "tip" and "free" but what do i call when the opposite hitter is hitting? "opposite" just seems too long...also is there anything i am missing? thanks!




  1. i play opposite and i hear either five or outside.

  2. Just call everything you see. if you think your teammates didnt see something, yell it out. No one will get mad at you for being too loud. And by opposite hitter, i think you mean right side? So call right side.  Have fun!

  3. well you do get to serve this year, its  new rule, you need to cover the whole \back floor, nad at my school we used like red to call for a backrow, set, but dont call outside b/c then tehy will set to the front row  outside hitter. im sure you know this but all you di is play back row, serve and you can come in for any one in the back row,

    if you just came out for one person, you have to wait 1 play b4 you can go in for another, i know i prolly didnt


    your question but yea, Libero is fun and hard wor... Good Luck!


  4. i dont even no what that sport is dude i cant help u wit that

  5. im a libero and its really fun to play!

    don't forget to say MINE, or yours or stuff like that

  6. I know it sounds a little dirty, but "back side" is a good name for the opposite hitter.  It's just as easy as calling "outside."  

    Another thing you can call is how many blockers your hitters are facing or what direction to hit the ball.  For instance, if a blocker is setting up for the angle of your outside or back side hitters, then you can call "line" to let him know where to aim the ball.  Likewise, if the blocker is taking away the line, yell "angle."   For the middle hitter, "left" or "right" is helpful based on what the middle blocker is doing.  Also on offense, if your setter receives the first touch, then you can call "setter out" to let your teammates know to take the second touch.  

    Also, when the other team has the ball, there are some things you can recognize and call out.  For instance, when you see the middle hitter making an approach for a quick set, you can yell "quick quick quick" or something to help the middle blocker put a block up.  Also, if a set to the outside, or right side hitter is way outside, and the hitter is forced to hit a hard angle to keep it in play, tell your blockers to block for the angle.  If your opponent is running a 5-1 and the setter can also attack, you can let your team know the "setter's live" too.  I'm sure there are more that I can't think of.  The key is constant communication.  Even if you sound silly sometimes, just say whatever you think will help your team out.  Good luck.

  7. if its oppisite just say 5-5-5 or we would sometimes say 10 just cause its less "normal" and the other team would get confussed

  8. When u r a libero your supused to go in for a player i the positions 1 6 and 5 and when u reaach the position 4 u get out and change with that player again. any doubts? ask ur coach.
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