
Libero Volleyball help?

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i want to play jv volleyball next year. i just recently changed schools from a division 4 to a division 1 in volleyball. its going to be really hard for me to make jv. i play as a libero and i only have a week left until tryouts next monday. what do you think i should do to prepare myself. and what should i do during tryouts as a libero to impress the coaches. thanksss




  1. move your feet try for every ball. dive for the ball and call it loudly. oh and make sure not to let a ball drop

  2. As a libero, the middle back diving specialist??

    Dive and Roll Over to a Standing Position. Make ten of them in a row.

    I am not kidding, if you can do three in a row you will impress the coach, but you really need self-confidence to do that so that you should be able to do five to ten in a row before showing off.

    There are some other stuff on this website ( but for a libero I believe that good footwork to cover the court from corners to corners, and diving/dedication are much needed.

    Of course you would have to show good passes, and endurance. Also you will have to call the ball when necessary, loudly. Have everyone know that YOU are the last line of defense, and make sure they have confidence in YOU. Never give up, always try your best to get to the ball, and "send" it to the setter (not into the net or anywhere else).

    To add to all those, don't forget to high-five your teammate when any of them made a good move (cover, set, pass... not just a kill), say it loudly with all good comments, and swallow all those you did not expect to happen without a single word :)

  3. have fun!

  4. Someone like me! Finally! Now this is a question I can answer!

    I was a libero for 2 years and it's great!

    Prepare yourself to be on the ground a LOT.

    Here's some tips for tryouts:

    Stay low! Never stand up while a ball is coming towards you, your knees should be bent.

    Pancakes are an easy way to get the ball up, and will definitely impress the coaches. Be sure you are wearing knee pads

    Don't shank the ball! Have controlled passes right to the setter/target. You shouldn't pass the ball right over the net on the first pass, it's called a free ball and is an easy point for the other team.

    Barrel rolls are also great ways to get the ball up.

    Stay confident and have a good attitude! If you put your mind to it you can do it! Good luck!!!

  5. well being a librero is means u are pretty good and ur fast...and good at bumping/passing!

    my advice for try-outs would be to do wht u aggressive....and move ur feet!

    good luck!

  6. you should listen to the advises of the coaches and it's also good to practice with someone that knows how to play..Something that always impresses the coaches is the team spirit and to always have a good attitude...

    P.s. Listen to ur coach and DON'T complain...

    hope this helps.. :)

  7. Players take years to master the game of volleyball.  You have one week.  There's no "magic" thing I can say to make you a greatly improved player.

    All you can do is go out there with the skills you have and try to impress the coaches.  

    Be vocal.  Call the balls....and loudly.

    Be aggressive.  Dive for balls, even if you know you don't have a play on it.

    Be supportive.  Support your teammates, even after a mistake.

    Listen to the coaches.  When a coach is talking, look at his/her face.  Nod to agree.  Coaches really hate it when it looks like they are talking to themselves.

  8. dive. coaches love to see a defensive player do everything they can to get the ball. no ball will land. be agressive. call everything. make sure you know how to swing to hitters. and good luck im a libero too :] but im fighting some new girl for my spot this year. grrr.

  9. make sure you move your feet and at least try for every ball. Also communication is bigbibgbig! a team with little communication will not win often. Make sure you don't just call the ball for yourself. go to the lines, call balls OUT! or PLAY IT!. back up anyone else when they go to pass on serve recieve or for a dig.

    do you know how to roll over when you dive? if not you should learn, because you always need to get back up and be looking for the ball.  if you're a libero i am assuming youre a pretty good passer.but make sure you remember your form, and don't be lazy and get into any bad habits.  stay on your toes/balls of your feet and dont bend over., bend down.

    also practice overhand passes(not setting but almost the same)

    you should lift weights and run because as a libero, you need a strong athletic base (legs) since you will need to stay low all the time.

    well thats all i can think of right now. hope i helped.

    good luck

  10. great positioning overcomes poor mechanics, anticipate the play (ie reading the tips). if you can get one arm on the ball then you can get two, no lazy play! use your hands as much as possible since its easier to control the ball. the back row is yours so control it, be vocal and take every ball when possible.

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