
Libero information?

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I've heard this term a lot in volleyball, but what exactly is the libero? a position, right? if so, what is the libero's job?




  1. the libero is a person who plays back row and back row only..they are not allowed to play front row. what sets a libero different from the rest is the fact taht a libero can just run onto the court and take out one of their players who aer lacking in their digs..a substitute will have to tell the ref and and get on the line and when they come out they have to do the exact thing again..a libero just runs in and run out. they usually have different jerseys from the rest of their team. say their whole team is wearing blue..the libero would wear like white. adn the libero is one of the best diggers on the team. aka defensive specialists.hope this wasn't too long and you understood...

  2. the full job and capabilites..

    the libero is a fancy defensive specialist.

    he or she can go in for anyone on back row, can go in an unlimited amount of times, and doesnt have to wait to go in, he or she can go in whenever...except for like in the middle of a play, obviously.

    its the person who digs everything, usually goes in for a weak defensive player.

    also gets to wear a different jersey than the rest of the team to classify them as the libero, because their job is so "special"..basically the libero is the best digger...

  3. It's a player who can only play defense: he can receive, but not attack in any way.

  4. player who plays defense and never serves or is never in the front row.he/she will always b in back middle


    The specific rules for a Libero player are as follows:

    A) He/she is restricted to performing as a back row player and has no right at all to complete an attack hit when the ball is above the height of the top of the net.

    B) The Libero may not serve, block or attempt to block.

    C) The Libero must wear a different colour shirt from the other members of the team.

    D) Substitutions involving a Libero are not counted as regular and their number is unlimited. A Libero cannot take part in normal substitutions and may only enter or leave the game while the ball is out of play and before the whistle for service.

    E) It is necessary to have a rally between replacement of two different players involving a Libero. With the previous approval of the first referee, an injured Libero may be substituted during the match by any registered player within the normal line-up list of the score sheet.

    G) The designated replacement of a Libero will be limited to performing as a Libero for the rest of the match and the subsequent matches. Nevertheless, this player will be allowed to be registered again in the normal line-up of later matches once the initially registered Libero is officially re-instituted.

    H) No other player will be authorised to perform as a Libero and in the case of further injury of the originally registerd Libero, he/she will be replaced by the same player under the same conditions as stated in previous points.

    4.1.2  Each team has the option to register, among the final list of 12 players,

           one (1) specialized defensive player "Libero" (Rule 8.5).

      The Libero must wear a different colour uniform , shirt or jacket

    in contrast to the other members of the team (or with a different

    design) (Rule 4.3.5)

    a) The libero is allowed to replace any player in a backrow position.

    b) He/she is restricted to perform as a back row player and is not

       allowed to complete an attack hit from anywhere (including playing

       court and free zone) if at the moment of contact the ball is entirely

       higher than the top of the net.

    c) He/she may not serve, block, or attempt to block.

    d) A player may not complete an attack hit from higher than the

       top of the net, if the ball is coming from an overhand finger pass

       by a Libero in the front zone.  The ball may be freely attacked if

       the Libero makes the same action from behind the end zone.
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