
Libra Men and Honesty?

by  |  earlier

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Before you continue, I'm not trying to bash libra men, or make themlook bad. I'm simply clarifying something I observe with many of them. I am wel aware alot of men lie and can promis things they can't do but I'm asking only for llibra men. Now, questin is: It is just me, or do libra men often make promises they can't keep, or say what they feel you want to hear, especially if they know you will get upset with them, or there's a chance of hurtig your feelings? If yes, then how does one know when they re being honest for honestty sake or charming for the sake of your emotions? Libra men, if you are answering this, and don't take it the wrong way, but how are we supposed to know how you really feel about something if you are charming or flattering us? lol. From an astro. perspective. Serious aswers,please.




  1. Yeah I've experienced that with my Libra brother.  He'll promise me things, but when the times comes he'll change his mind and say things like I shouldn't rely on him, or he'll say something else came up and he couldn't keep his promise.  It's soooo annoying!

    When I tell him he lies, he says that he meant it at the time but he changed his mind later on... ugh!!

    But I just learned to accept this about him, and I've learned not to expect things from him, and when he promises things I say "ya, whatever".  I know he doesn't mean harm by it, but he's the type of person who always finds a way through things, so I guess it's not a big deal for him to be so capricious from his perspective...

    And from what I've seen he doesn't lie to charm... he's charming cuz he always points out the more brighter sides of reality... he'll tell you the truths you want to hear (or the truths you don't want to hear in a very funny, easy going way), but he won't tell you blatant lies...

  2. Libra men.

    Well, your observations seem pretty accurate to me.

    I'm a Libra myself.

    Whenever a Libra does lie or extend the truth, it's usually exactly for the reason you said. They hate ruffling feathers, and will use that tactic to keep the peace for as long as possible. And whatever promises made they can't keep, they're hoping "It's the thought that counts."

    The only way I would say you could tell would be by experience with whatever Libra man you're talking about. The longer you know them for, the easier it will be able to tell the truth from the fluff.
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