Before you continue, I'm not trying to bash libra men, or make themlook bad. I'm simply clarifying something I observe with many of them. I am wel aware alot of men lie and can promis things they can't do but I'm asking only for llibra men. Now, questin is: It is just me, or do libra men often make promises they can't keep, or say what they feel you want to hear, especially if they know you will get upset with them, or there's a chance of hurtig your feelings? If yes, then how does one know when they re being honest for honestty sake or charming for the sake of your emotions? Libra men, if you are answering this, and don't take it the wrong way, but how are we supposed to know how you really feel about something if you are charming or flattering us? lol. From an astro. perspective. Serious aswers,please.