
Libra and pices?

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are they a good match togeather? Anything you can tell me please tell me. We have been together for 3yrs next month and we have a baby boy on the way!




  1. Well pisces are physically attracted to Virgo( their opposite sign) the most and I find this kind of true from a personal experience. From what I read from astrology sites I heard that this two signs aren't very compatible. You should look at his moon sign and see if his moon sign is on Libra or any of the air signs can work too and maybe check your moon sign as well and see if your moon is on pisces or any other water signs cause if it is then this relationship can work. I don't really think I helped a lot but w/e if I get a thumbs down.



    it doesn't mix well.

    A bubble always pops.

    This relationship might not last long or become true love. :(

    Don't make astrology as part of your life though.

    If you guys are meant to be then astrology shouldn't matter .

    I'm A Libra  btw   and I'm attracted to Pisces guys  so I wanna hear a success love story about both of these signs so I wish you guys luck.

  2. They can work together if the libra has scorpio/virgo influences and the pisces has aries/aquarius influences. You have to examine the entire chart, not just sun signs.

  3. Well I have been in love with a Libra for 6 years and I am a Pisces. We aren't together right now, he is my first love and ex.  While they aren't the best match for each other as astrology says. They do have a lot in common. Both are romantic, and share a passion for the arts.  But they do have their differences and Libra can manipulate the easily led Pisces. But with understanding of each other's needs,  they can have a good relationship.

  4. Libra Man & Pisces Woman

    This match can last for a while but it is very unlikely to last or become a true love. The relationship between a Libra boy and Pisces girl can start out with incredible romance. You are a dreamer with your head in a fantasy world, and a deep need for love and passion. He shares your need for a deep and meaningful love, but he's a bit flighty and "up in the clouds" too. The problem here is that there is no balance. Each of you needs to be paired with a strong personality who can balance your ethereal tendencies. Unfortunately, you won't find that balance together. You each need a different kind of partner to make a relationship work. There will also be clashes because you both like the world to revolve around you- and there's only one world to go around. You two are a little too self-involved to look out for each other the way you should. A match that is not made to last. ( Source: Jellybean's Astro-Soulmate Guide )

    Pisces girl, your relationship with Libra boy will rock with romance. Flowers, oozingly sweet e-mails, notes in your locker….this boy will not hesitate to pull out all the stops for you. The only trouble that you may incur is the regular stuff that life is made of---schoolwork, family, and maybe even an after school job.  This boy thinks you're the bomb, so enjoy it, but don't slack on responsibilities in the interim.  A hottie boy is not going to get  you to Harvard!! ( Source: FUNgirl - Astrology )


    Libra Woman & Pisces Man

    This match can last for a while but it is very unlikely to last or become a true love. The relationship between a Pisces boy and Libra girl can start out with incredible romance. He is a dreamer with his head in a fantasy world, and a deep need for love and passion. You share his need for a deep and meaningful love, but you're a bit flighty and airy too. The problem here is that there is no balance. Each of you needs to be paired with a strong personality who can balance your ethereal tendencies. Unfortunately, you won't find that balance together. You each need a different kind of partner to make a relationship work. There will also be clashes because you both like the world to revolve around you- and there's only one world to go around. You two are a little too self-involved to look out for each other the way you should. A match that is not made to last. (Source: Jellybean's Astro-Soulmate Guide )

    Libra girl is such an asset to Pisces boy-he's your dream project, and in him you see great potential. He's one of the most romantic signs of the zodiac, and you both share an extraordinary love of music and beauty. Problems should only arise when you approach matters from an intellectual standpoint, and he's guided by his heart. ( FUNgirl - Astrology )
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