
Libra describtion?

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What a good Libra describtion in your opinion?




  1. The Sun in the element of air... stimulated mentally, detached perspective.... Motivated and recharged by intellectual concepts, social interchanges and the communication of ideas and/or ideals. The element of air (barring other factors) tends to produce a fairly active mind.

    With the Sun in Libra, the world is approached with reason, balance, and a sense of fairness. Everything (everyone) is open to analysis. Even-handed, harmonious, artistic, diplomatic, balancing, and strong sense of aesthetic beauty are characteristics typically associated with Libra.

  2. well the libra i know is indecisive and cant make her own decisions, she cant fight her own battles, and talks  a lot o noise and cant back it up, she also tries to get attention and thinks she is what  sets off a party, she thinks everyone wants her when in reality no one could care less and there talking about her like a dog, she is really undetached from reality, and speaks of stuff that is not true, sorta like she is wanting it to happen, but thats just the libra i know

  3. General features

    Libra is the Seventh sign of the Zodiac. The origin of the word Libra derives from the Latin meaning "balances" or "scales." Often, a statue of the Goddess of Justice holding the scales or balances is erected over the domes of modern court houses. A typical Libra is artistic and refined. You have very strong opinions regarding right and wrong, and are a born diplomat. You are charming and sincere. You have an idealistic and generally peace loving nature. You are easygoing and sociable. Librans are also considered to be among the most civilized of the twelve signs. You are good looking and have certain elegance, charm and fine taste. You are happiest when socializing and at the top of your social strata and you do whatever it takes to maintain a relationship. You are well known to be objective and impartial in making judgment calls.

    Libra is the natural ruler of the Seventh House of the Zodiac, commonly referred to as the "House of Marriage, Partnerships and Open Enemies" and known in Vedic Astrology as the "Setting Place."

    Librans prefer to cooperate, compromise and will give up, even when you feel you are in the right rather than putting up with the ordeal of an argument. Discord makes you totally insecure, and uncomfortable. You need and want harmony in your life and will do whatever it takes to have it. You can be changeable and indecisive, impatient of routine, boringly conventional and timid. Librans are slow to anger and you shock everyone around you with your sudden outbursts of rage.
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