
Libs, does the fact that Palin have 5 kids and one of them is a special needs have you worried?

by Guest59042  |  earlier

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I have been reading some of the comments by the liberals today regarding Sarah Palin and her family.

Do you really think she is not going to be involved with her family? JFK had little Jack crawling around the oval office.

Do you really think that her husband will be disengaged by working in the oil fields or on a fishing boat? He is going to be standing side by side with her just as he has done when she was mayor and govenor.

So what she has a 17 year old who is pregnant. How many of you are parents? Did you experiment sexually when you were that age? Did you or any of your friends get pregnant?

What about the downs child? Yes this child will require some additional care, but are you that ignorant to think that this child will not be loved and cared for?

Some of the statements that I have been reading on Yahoo are realling showing immaturity.




  1. I don't think so. She's managed to care for them up to this point.  I think her ability to manage work and family is a non-issue.

    For me it's her policies, inexperience, and scandal ridden career that has me worried.

  2. Libs are full of excuses for the likes of Bubba and Edwards, if they cover the story at all.  Her record is what really sets her apart from the bumbling idiots on the left, Alaska has done very well under her stewardship.

  3. Why should I be worried? She'll have a nanny to take care of her kids; after all, she's got a four-month-old with special needs and she left him to go run after the Vice Presidency. She's got a 17-year-old daughter who's five months pregnant and is going to need her mother's comfort and help when that thing's born. Instead of keeping her daughter out of the limelight at this sensitive and embarrassing time in her life, she pushed her directly into it by accepting this nomination. Her priorities are crystal clear to the nation: ambition first, family last. If Sarah Palin doesn't give a c**p about her kids, I certainly don't. Why should I be worried?

  4. To be quite honest, and other posters have brought this up.  There are no pregnancy photos or reports of her pregnancy for her fifth child.  I personally think she has a quiver full of four children and that that fifth child might belong to one of her other children.  I hope that the media doesn't delve further into this because it would just mean a lot of heartache for her family.  After all, she's got that newborn, and the pregnant daughter with a boyfriend who does NOT look excited to marry into the family...  She's got a lot of mommy things to take care of and quite sincerely, she simply doesn't seem to have much time for all that business and the kids and the grandkids.  I pray for her.

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