
Libs are shaking coathangers in ANGER! ?

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They are so pissed that Bristol Palin is not following their ways. If it were up to them and she was their daughter they would get her drunk, strap her down to a table and coathanger the h**l out of that baby.

Well sorry libs, not all of us get into murdering babies.




  1. Young Miss Palin has most certainly done what most teenagers do; have s*x.  I am certain that between school and the Palin family, she knew what the consequences would be if she took no precaution, and that she chose to accept the consequences of her actions.  Miss Palin should consider herself very fortunate that her family is supporting her through this time of her life; my parents would not have been so kind and generous.

  2. The liberals are always mad at someone.

  3. No, we're going to use the coathangers to steal your car.

  4. Its her choice to get an abortion or not.  I respect her decision.  At least she still has a choice.   Although this shows how well Palin's "Abstinence Only" s*x education policy works.  

  5. thanks for proving that it is NOT Liberalism that is a disease, but what ever you align yourself with that is the disease.....

    LeAnn - how did you ever get to be a top contributor???  that answer only contributes to the troll that asked this question, making you one of the trolls.

    anyone , with an ounce of logic knows that people getting abortions are not Liberal or Conservative, and just as many are Republican as are Democrat......

  6. Obama said that babies are punishment.

  7. We would not even be aware of this situation if Palin was a liberal - it would have been "taken care of."

  8. When you invaded Iraq and let the bombs blow up children, into pieces, what do YOU call  that?

    A shrapnel massage?

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