
Lice...I need advice please!?

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Please...please tell me I'm overreacting to this.

I went out with a friend today and rode in his car. He and his girlfriend both shaved their heads about a month to a month and a half ago. They said they had "body lice"...I don't know if they actually had head lice, or just shaved their heads to avoid it.

Anyway...I was sitting in his passenger seat and rested my head back for a few minutes. Then I realized that she was probably in his seat (they have since broke up, so I know she hasn't been in his car in at least a month).

I have no idea if he cleaned his car, or any details of the situation as they were too embarrassed to talk to anyone about it.

He's fine and hasn't had any more problems. I actually rode in his car a few weeks ago and was fine...but I'm not sure if I had my head resting back then or not.

Is it possible to get lice from this? I know I'm probably way too paranoid but I have really thick and curly hair and it would be an nightmare to try and get rid of it. My scalp hasn't stopped itching since I realized I leaned back in the seat until I forget about it...but then I start worrying again and I start itching again. Can anyone ease this worry of mine?




  1. if your that worried get the shampoo and the spray trust me i know i had crabs and lice and yes you can get them from riding in someones car however if its been a month and a half the chances are slim just shaving your body wont get rid of them you must wash all your clothes in high heat and dry them in high heat spry your bed and your car and rugs and things like that let that shampoo sit double the time recomended that is always good and do the same routine 2 weeks later and you should be fine to garentee they are really gone do it again in another 2 weeks time its a sucky task but you dont animales living on you either do you ?

  2. Body lice and headlice are one and the same.

    But you can't get them. They cannot survive off of someone.

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