
Lice exposure? Advice please!?

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I went out with one of my friends today. About a month to a month and a half ago he and his girlfriend shaved their heads, and they said it was due to "body lice". I'm assuming they had head lice also.

Anyway....they broke up and aren't together anymore, but she used to ride in his car. I was riding in his car today and without thinking...had my head on the headrest.

To my knowledge, she hasn't been in his car for weeks and they were cured of it several weeks ago. Is there any possible way I could get lice from this? I don't think they could live that long....but I'm worried and paranoid. I really don't think I could deal with lice.

So is there any way to get lice from that? My head has been itching since then, but I know it's because I'm so freaking paranoid.




  1. Head lice will only live 55 hours off of the head.

    Not sure on body lice though...

  2. well if you do mix mannaise and vasalene together wash your hair in the hottest water u can stand it will work

  3. I know that head lice cannot live off of the head for very long, they need the blood to survive.  I would not worry too much about it!  As for the itching, I am almost positive it is your mind playing tricks on you.  

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