
Licence suspended because of drink-driving: what may happen if they catch me driving again?

by Guest33537  |  earlier

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I have been caught drink driving last week. Within 3 weeks I will have to appear before the court but I already know that, as is reasonable to expect, my licence will be suspended in UK. (I have an international Licence).

As a pure academic hypothesis what could happen if the catch me driving in United Kingdom before the end of the ban?

Please avoid to simply answer:"if you drink, don't drive". I don't need to be remembered that drinking and driving is a serious crime and that, most importantly, it is morally condemnable because it endangers the life of other people.

What I need is a consistent and possibly legal-based answer.





  1. community service an a huge fine or jail

  2. its obvious that you are planning on taking the risk of driving again.  What an irresponsible idiot you are.  I sincerely hope they lock you up.

  3. You don't need to be reminded that drinking and driving is a serious crime, yet you're thinking about driving whilst banned, the mind boggles...

  4. pure and simple you are looking at a jail term and a test re-sit at the end. the severity of the crime and by your answer its construed as pre-meditated then any court will give you the max and it wont be just a couple of year, it will be 10 year ban at minimum. the police have a vast database and now your question is on record (yahoo answers is only one of their resources and now you are on record on a retrievable source then they can get a "memory" of you)

    its a risk you take alone and you would.nt be the first to do it and you wont be the last.

    there isnt  any legal based answer unless you go into traffic based regs if and where you are stopped and if the circumstances of the arrest are above board. this is dependent on your "good/brilliant" brief and how good he is.

    the better the more expensive.

    really you are looking at 1 yr or 18 mth ban and a £300 fine.

    accept it and dont get caught again

  5. If you are caught driving while disqualified due to drinking and driving you could face a longer ban, a very big fine, or, if you have been drinking again you could face imprisonment. It is best not to drive at all.

  6. Cant' say about the UK.  However, my next door neighbor had 2 DWI's in under a year and he got 10 months in jail for it.

    The police in general have really cracked down on drinking and driving.  So forewarned is forearmed.

    good luck to you.

  7. ur goin down bro!

  8. What could happen, if caught driving whilst banned, is a prison sentence. Or a very hefty fine if youre lucky.

  9. You would certainly get an extended ban. The Magistrates would adjourn the case stating that a custodial sentence is being considered. They would make you sweat for a couple or 3 weeks and then when you re-appear, as if by magic they will tell you that they have decided not to give you a custodial sentence on this occasion and how lucky you are blah blah blah. That said, if you get caught driving again during your period of ban, you will almost certainly be given a custodial sentence.

  10. I hope they lock you up and throw away the key. You are being punished for a reason you idiot.

  11. your history, and they will take your birthday from you

  12. don't know about the UK but here in the states,if you get caught driving with suspended license could get up to 1 year in jail.

  13. jail


    so be careful

  14. Three months imprisonment and a £3000 fine, plus a three year ban, is INCREDIBLY common.

    Below are some usefull links to legal experts in this matter,

    It may prove worth your while to read through this info & perhaps get some representaion.

    The Links are to :

    Drink Drive Solicitors,

    Drink Drive Offenses,

    UK Driving License & Laws,

    Drink Drive Charge.

    Goodluck & be wise, if the ban is already in effect pending sentence, then driving in Britain would be best left untill after your court hearing. If you have had no previous D/D offenses, the judge may settle for a fine and bind you over for a year or two (meaning sentense will be served outside of prison), it is like a peace order, providing




  15. I'm afraid you will be banged up for 3 - 6 months!

  16. Just to put a real damper on your idea, this citation will be on your driver record...As such, it will be subject to review in every country in the free world...You will not be permitted to drive in those countries neither will you be allowed to obtain a license in an of those countries...And to keep you from being a hazard in other countries, I will presume that the court will confiscate your passport...If you are caught driving in the UK, I'd dare say you will be arrested and jailed.

  17. Horsewhipped, tarred and feathered at the very least.  If you would like some detailed information read

  18. What will happen? you will possibly land up in a place where you won`t have access to Yahoo Answers.

  19. If you are caught driving with a suspended licence in the uk (for drink driving) then you face a jail sentance.

    Got this from legal website.

    What happens if I do get caught driving on a ban?

    Driving whilst disqualified is an arrestable offence so it won’t be a case of a stern ticking off at the side of the road. Offenders will be arrested immediately and then processed via the Police system which can be an alarming experience for those unfamiliar with the pleasures of being taken back to the Police station, finger printed, DNA tested, searched, photographed and then held in a cell prior to a taped interview being undertaken.

    If you are fortunate, you will then be bailed to attend Court. If however the custody sergeant decides that there is a risk of you committing any further offence, he can refuse bail and you can be held at the Police station until the prison van arrives to take you to Court along with other prisoners who have committed "real" crimes.

    What is the maximum punishment for driving whilst disqualified?

    There are a wide variety of options available. A prison sentence is a very real possibility, particularly if the Court feels that by driving you have shown disrespect to the Court that imposed the original suspension. If the Court decides to impose a prison sentence, that will have an immediate effect. Alternatively, the Court can adjourn the case in order to obtain reports from the probation service but is equally capable of imposing a prison sentence as and when the report is received.

    If you are fortunate enough to avoid prison, then expect to receive a community service order, but in either case you will be fined and your period of disqualification is likely to be extended.

    and this is the link.

  20. if you don't need reminding that drink drivingis a serious crime that is morally condemnable then why did you do it????

  21. You will be charged with the additional offences of;

    1) Driving whilst disqualified plus

    2) driving without insurance (if you are banned you are not insured, full stop.)

    You are likely to be kept in custody until the next available Court.

    If you are a UK resident you are looking at a substantial extension to the ban  plus either an additional massive fine or imprisonment (depending on the mood of the Court who sentence you.)

    If you are a none UK resident you are virtually certain to go directly to jail.

  22. you will get a very very lenghthy ban and could face possible imprisonment if the judge is in a bad mood.

  23. 3 months in the nick of which you'll serve half. Is that what you needed to know.

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