
License plates?? How to find someone?

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I was harrassed on my way to work today on the freeway. I have the guys license plate number. Just wondering if anyone one knew of any FREE searches that work, for looking up a license plate number?? Any ignorant comments by ignorant men need not answer.




  1. No you cannot.

    If they allow that, that other person would be able to use the same service to find you.


    You can make a police report and let them take care of it.  But chances are that unless you have video footage, the police would probably do absolutely nothing.

    Sad, I know...  And that is probably the reason why people like that continue to be like that.

    Good Luck...

  2. you name and comments about men say a way to get address or name from DMV or other site

  3. This falls under the "Privacy Act" and it is there for your protection as well however you can speak with your local police department and report this but if this should ever happen again just call 911 and give them the license plate number.

  4. No you cant. Thats against the law.

    Think about it-would you want some rapist to see you in public in your car, be able to get your license plate number and then find out where you live?

    BTW, you said no ignorant comments by ignorant men? What about by ignorant women? You sound angry over something.

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