
Lie all along (poem, please give me input)

by  |  earlier

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"Don't blame yourself for this, it's his fault too."

But I take all the blame, and put none on you.

While I broke your heart, I also broke mine.

They say time heals all wounds, but I think we're out of time.

I'm trying so hard, but you keep pushing me away.

Why should I hang on if you refuse to stay?

I deserve better than this, I just wish you'd see.

I hurt you a lot, but look what you're doing to me.

I've apologized thousands upon thousands of times.

And nothing I say seems to change your mind.

I could keep hanging out to a guy who's already let go.

Or I could erase our memories, kinda like you did, ya know?

And if you really cared, you'd be here fighting for me.

I'd still be someone you cared for, someone you'd always need.

You're not here battling, so I guess I should move on.

I guess "I care" was a lie along. <|3




  1. W-O-W

    I loved this poem!!!

    Ive gone through the same thing

    gah that poems so good im going to reread it......

  2. I really liked it. I was wondering. I am trying to write a book with reg. peoples poems. Not sure if it will go anywhere but would you mind if I used yours? Email me and let me know and your name, or what ever name you want to put so you get credit for it if you chose to let me use it.  

  3. Wonderful wonderful poem, I like it very much and felt every word, I went on your emotional ride and was hooked to the end.

    I can guess what inspired it, all I have to say is sometimes people don&#039;t even understand what things like &quot;I care&quot;, &quot;I love you&quot;, &quot;I will wait for you forever&quot; means.  I say keep your promises and let them deal with their promises.

    Keep writing, you seem to have a touch for emotional poetry.

    Best Wishes

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