
Lied about my age?

by  |  earlier

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I told them at the pool I was 16 and from Nelsonville. But I am 20 and from Glouster. What kind of punishment do I get? I saved 50 cent.

I got caught but not arrested, the officer let me put down my name and said it was a felony.




  1. how do you get caught?? really they r being too strict and no one should care

  2. wtf

  3. Just go with the flow, if they don't give you a punishment you don't need one. no worries.

  4. Death sentance.

  5. if they let you go i don't think they're going to punish you. ujst try to scare you and make sure you don't ever do it again!

  6. Why did you lie at a pool for fifty cents? and I guess that would be considered fraud. Which is a very big deal.

  7. lol was it worth the 50 cents?

  8. Life without parole.  They may be more worried about you being a pedophile than trying to get in to the pool for less money.

  9. lol, It is a civil crime in most states, no punishment just a small fine.

  10. Why would you do that??/ were you trying to be fined or put to jail and could you really not spare 50 cents. if nott thats reallly sadd.

  11. whoa, sucks for you, probably a fine

  12. Probation...or a light fine.............

  13. Hes correct, im afraid you get a visit to the gas chamber!


  14. If they were going to charge you with anything they would have done it already. He probably took your name for their records incase you do it again.

  15. Run

  16. They Are Gonna Rape You

  17. oh goshh; 50 cents.

    That police officer was just trying to teach you a lesson..

    Trying to get you all wroked up and such.

  18. Hope it was worth the 50 cents. What in the world can one buy these days for 50 cents? I think they should make you parade around the pool in a thong that is two sizes too small.

  19. Lied to go swimming?

    You got to be joking!

    For 50 cents?

    Are you nuts?

    Learn anything?

  20. thats ridiculous that it would be a felony.he probably made that up. it sounds like he is going to let it go. just pay the 50 cents next time huh?

  21. I am kinda confused, but you could get arrested. Lying about your age to the police is a felony because it is Fraud. Well it is Fraud no matter who you tell it to.

  22. im pretty sure you just have to pay a fine, but since the cop didn't say anything, i think he dropped the charges

  23. Felony, while technically correct, is also simply not worth the prosecutor's time to get you for lying about your age. If the establishment doesn't attempt to verify your age it's their problem and not yours. More likely he was just trying to scare you. Bottom line, the courts are full of meth dealers, murderers, perverts, thieves, rapists, and other similar sorts. They aren't going to waste their time prosecuting you and the owners of the pool probably don't want the press associated with the headline "Pool files charges against customer for lying about their age to save 50 cents".

    Relax and enjoy the swim.

  24. That's false information, and in NH, that would only be a Class A Misdemeanor, resulting in up to $4,000 fines and/or 1 year in jail, but in this matter, I think you wouldn't be punished for a 50 cent discount. I'd say you'd get a little fine.

  25. Probably nothing just scare you out of doing it again.

  26. lied and risked getting arrested for 50 cents?? You're probably gonna get fined, so that extra 50 cents should come in handy =)

  27. I think he's trying to scare you to not do it again.  Fifty cents isn't a felony.

  28. well i think lying about who you are could get you a felony charge, if charged and convicted...

  29. lol

    my friend did that, used a different name and everything, i'm pretty sure they knew he was lying, but they didn't do anything

    but of course, he is 15, so, idk what'd happen

  30. Castration for males.  Women get a verbal warning and a body cavity search.

  31. Is he claiming that you obstructed justice? In Wisconsin, that's not even a felony. (I'm guessing you're from the UK?)

    Chances are, you might get a ticket in the mail, but I doubt if there will be more than that. Next time, don't lie in order to try saving a few pennies.
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