
Lies from an ex - what made her say such horrible things?

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This is going back about 2-3 years now but the time hasn't made her words any less hurtful

Basically I was with this girl for about 8 months when i was 15-16 and I'd say she was my "first" love, we were both each others first time and we had a pretty decent relationship although a few arguments.

We broke up after Christmas after a while of things not really feeling too right and after a number of arguments and I was pretty gutted. She turned out to be pretty nasty during the break up and pretty much kicked me out of her life.

After we broke up most people seemed to take my side and say she was being pretty harsh, this is when I heard the things she was saying about me. Things like how she never really loved me and how I manipulated her in to having s*x with me. She also referred to our relationship as an abusive one. not physically though.

Now I know it isn't true. I was with her for 6 months before we had s*x so even if I did manipulate her I wouldn't wait that long and we had a few arguments over petty things but nothing ever that bad

What I am asking is why would she say such things and has anyone here ever said anything like that about an ex even though it isn't true?




  1. personally i wouldnt say things like that to an ex although i know a lot of girls who would. she felt crappy about your breakup so she wanted you to feel as crappy as she did. its a bummer to end a relationship on that note but it sounds like youre better off without her anyway.

  2. cause she wanted to start something and didn't want everyone to know the truth.. just ignore it.  

  3. lol, my ex did  the same thing(actually, she was my first too) , girls are really manipulative people, they can say all  the sweet things in the world when ur with them, but turn into horrible liars if u hurt them(which u probably did) she is just trying 2 get even, i know it sound weird.

  4. She sounds like a drama queen to me who has to turn everything into their own sob story to get attention. She probably feels guilty too in some way, and blaming you justifies her insecurity. Find someone who is grown up and honest!

  5. i havent i say it how it is. Me n some ex's we're friends still till today but i lost contact with them cuz i moved n all but i dont like bc it only makes me look stupid like ok if i say .. he rape me.. they gon be like then U was stupid for stayin with him and not tellin the cops u kno sumn like that..

    BUT when i was 15-18 i was being harrassed and stalked by this one guy right and then about a yr ago or 2.. i was talkin to a homeboy and he told me lke oh yea i almost got in a fight wit ur ex. and im thinkin ( why would he call his friend ( my ex) my ex and not his name u know) so im ike who?? my ex is ur best friend.. and he's like na this guy n he's describing some guy n its the stalker! n ifound  out he was tellin ppl hella lies n sht about me helllllla b.s! i was like awww wtff h**l na!!

  6. Well if you are the one who broke up with her she is probably pissed

    off. Especially if she thought you were going to be the one like they say "marriage". If you still talk to her and you don't plan to ever get back with her just stop. Eventually she will find herself a new bf and forget about you. She has to realize things happen for reasons and to move on. If she continues to bash on you just tell people that she is crazy and mad for making lies up.

  7. i think she was just trying to get u out of her life.she was not completely over u.and she needed to do something harsh to kinda get over the fact dat she still has feeling for you.

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