My mom bought life insurance on me for a $21,000 benefit upon death. My mother and I no longer are on the best of terms. I was only 17 at the time, and now it's been two years since the policy was bought. It is paid up, I receive letters in the mail confirming my recent address changes, and I was wondering if she is the only person who can receive the money when I pass. I am married, and since my mother and I don't get along, she also doesn't like my husband. I know she wouldn't try to have me killed to have the insurance money, but am I able to cancel the life insurance policy? I don't think it is right for her to be able to collect on a child she wants nothing to do with anyways. Also, the policy has a cash value. If it is cancelled, will they mail her a check or something? I'm so young and clueless about this. Please help!