
Life Insurance claim ?

by Guest59188  |  earlier

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Could some one tell me this if I am the beneficiary to my cousin insurance policy, with a insurance co, and if he die can i take the insurance papers i have to his job and they will hornor these paper and give me the insurance claim that he has on his job, he has no one down for his beneficary because he did not renew his card when he was transfer to another location. Do i need to get a power of attorney letter for his job or will this letter from another insurance co work, can some one tell me were i can down load a letter to claim the insurance from a person in case of death.




  1. You are confused.  If your cousin is still alive, as you state, he is the one who should be updating beneficiary designations on any life insurance he has, not you.

  2. Sounds like this was a life policy associated with health insurance.  If he has left the company and no longer carries the coverage, the life insurance is gone.  There are many types of life insurance and they come at a small amount with most group health plans, once the group plan is terminated the life insurance is too.

  3. Your cousin can name you the beneficiary on his new policy.
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