Early to the streets in orchestrated numbers
Ebony on white, a sombre tune plays
Economical use of the notes left over
Edge living in the beat of the night
Eeking out bare existences
Effect & cause - no difference to us
Egos & deros all on the one level
“Eh watch it! That’s me you’re treading onâ€Â
Either side of the tracks is uncertain
Ejected, the unwanted, the rubbish of mankind
EK Holden, abandoned, a home beneath the bridge
Electing not to go back, safety in numbers
“Embittered by life? me? Noooo!
Enamoured once, excited about being free
Eons ago that was, before all thisâ€Â
Epoxy resin now plugging the holes in this city
Equality among the masses, a dream
Erases reality somewhat, those dreams
Escapism into hazey dark obscurity
Et tu, abandon me too?
Eulogy prophesying to a decaying dying world