
Life in the hands of liars?

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At the forum I always read negative remarks on Muhammad (PBUH) but today I was reading an article in which the most famous have different views about Muhammad (PBUH)


GEORGE BERNARD SHAW said about him:

"He must be called the Saviour of Humanity. I believe that if a man like him were to assume the dictatorship of the modern world, he would succeed in solving its problems in a way that would bring it much needed peace and happiness." (THE GENUINE ISLAM, Singapore, Vol. 1, No. 8, 1936)

He was by far the most remarkable man that ever set foot on this earth. He preached a religion, founded a state, built a nation, laid down a moral code, initiated numerous social and political reforms, established a powerful and dynamic society to practice and represent his teachings and completely revolutionized the worlds of human thought and behavior for all times to come.


How can you say that this man is responsible of present terrorism in the world

Many people say that

not every muslim is a terrorist, but every terrorist is a muslim.

all the knowledge you have, is from the Anti-Islamic sites, TV shows. Newspapers, magazines. They show you that Muslims are the worse human being on face of Earth.

You know what is the most interesting thing…

.Before Muslims

Not every Russian was a terrorist, but every terrorist was a russian

Before Russians

not every n***s was a terrorist, but every terrorist was a n***s

But American are always like a angle even after killing thousands of human being, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Iraq, Afganistan………….

Question 2





  1. I've noticed that you can always tell a muslim on here, before he ever even says he is one.

    When you guys talk to your friends, do you say things like "I was driving my car, upon the road of my fathers house... when a detestable dog ran past me, like wind on the prairie."?

    It's cool if you do.  But also rather funny.

  2. George Bernard Shaw was an atheist.  That quote was made up.

    Everything else after is equally "NOT EVEN WRONG."

  3. I don't believe Muhammad was a terrorist or that all Muslims are terrorists.  But much terrorism is caused in the world today by Muslims who pervert Islam to support murder of others.

    Sorry, but anti-Islamic sites, TV shows, newspapers and magazines are not the ones strapping bombs to their bodies and blowing up innocent men, women and children in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, India, Israel, or Sri Lanka.  Nor did they blow up thousands of innocent people in Bali, Madrid, London and New York.

  4. Please forgive any errors in this, I am not Islamic and have only lightly studied it and have one a few Islamic friends.  We have debated this issue often, and here is my take on it.

    Muhammad had a personal revelation of what G-d wanted man to know.  He was familiar with Christianity, having studied it at a young age, and started teaching what he was told, by the Archangel, peacefully, to his countrymen.  However, Muhammad found that intolerance to he teachings was strong, and often met with violence.  In this way, Christians and Muslims are very alike.  However, unlike Christians, Muhammad felt that defense was not wrong, so he took up arms and fought back.  Christians only did this AFTER they got some degree of power, then attempted to exterminate every other faith from the world.  Slight time line change, but very similar in effect.  The two faiths were bound to clash at some point, and it happened during what Christians call the Crusades.  

    Islam basically won, and Christians turned back to in-fighting.  Few of either side actually saw the good in the other's religion, but remembered the bad the other did in the name of G-d.  This, basically, put the three groups, Jews, Christians, and Muslims, at odds with each other, and war has been going on ever since.  

    Terrorist is a term used to get a response out of someone.  During the witch trials and purgings of non-Christians, you could say that Faithful Christians were terrorists.  Today, it is Islam that is labled such, though, as you point out, not all Muslims are terrorists.  Those who are, are like in other faiths, men and women who feel that drastic measures must be taken to halt the Evil in the world.  However, rarely does one call a Christian fanatic a terrorist, even when everything except the religion matches.  

    Religions swing from one extreme, atheism, to another, fanaticism.  This is like our governments, finances, and just about everything that involves human life.  Each person falls somewhere on the chart, with like minds finding like minds.  No matter where you fall, in whatever religion, you have detractors who feel you need to lean one way or another.  

    If people would slow down, sit down, and read anther's "Holy Book," they might just find that their differences aren't that great, and some of the hate would end.  Yes, there are some major issues, but the goods of each would, to me, allow us to live together.  Very, very few of the Christians I know follow the Bible, except where required by law, such as not killing each other, or something, and then it isn't G-d they fear as much as their government's retaliation for it.  Islam seems to do better, just like Judism, though they each have some things in them that are natural and accepted, and stricter in other areas.  

    The "Why" question is something elusive.  Rarely is the motive for a war good enough to start one.  Of all that I have seen, humanitarian reasons are usually used to cover up something much more basic, usually fear or greed.  Before anyone reacts in haste, I do not demerit the soldier, EVER.  Very few of the men and women I have ever met, who fought for their country, whatever it may have been, did so for any reason immoral.  You may disagree, but in their hearts, they felt they were right and stood up for that, which puts them high up in my mind.  They may have found out that they were "wrong," as I did, but they did not go into it otherwise.  With that said, governments have told many things to get people to fight for them.  Usually, they win and the men and women lose, dying for a myth they never knew about.  Religions have been a big player in this issue.

    Everything said about Muhammad, in the question, is correct.  It can also be said about Jesus, Gandi, Moses, and many other men who have done many great things to help this world and help others get along.  Or, at least, to my way of thinking.  

    I take it, by your question's speech, that you are Muslim.  If I am wrong, I mean no insult either way.  I am Christian.   I follow my Faith proudly, but admit that we (Christians) are not perfect.  I can only control my actions, and I do err.  However, I cannot hate you for your religion, and do not judge you based on it, by what others may do.  I have been asked if I would convert, and I still say that I would not.  It would, to me, betray G-d and my belief in Him, even if it means only denying one thing.  I would not ask you to convert, for the same reason.  We will both go before Him, one day, and it will be He who judges us.  One may suffer, and one may not, or we may find that, having lived as we were taught to, we both did what was right.  I can only pray that no one suffers from one error in faith, if they honestly believe what they were taught.

    I doubt this helped any with your question.  You are right, most people get only one side of the issue, which is wrong.  Alas, many only see one side and judge the other, blindly.  

    Pax (Peace),

  5. Muhammad the servant of ?

    2 Corinthians 11:14,15; ' ... no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Therefore it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness, whose end will be according to their deeds..

  6. Too many ignorant bigots is the problem. Americans have never done anything to harm others.Nor have Christians. Ya, right!

  7. You saying that Every terrorist is a muslim does not sound any better than saying every muslim is a terrorist by the way.

    As for MOHAMMED. Oh yeah he  was a great guy right? Marrying a 6 year old girl? Hmmm OK Then.

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