
Life insurance market: good or bad right now?

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I am a soon to be college grad that is currently interviewing with Metlife to become a financial service rep in the Chicago land area. Is the life insurance market a strong place to start a career right now? Fill me in on your thoughts. If you could, please tell me if you are in the life insurance business or not. Thanks




  1. Insurance business is good if you work for the right company. Metlife is a very good company. However, as an agent you, you will pay for the advertising that they do. One of my good friends works at metlife. She pays over 30,000 a year to work for them. But, she make over 250,000 a year. Do your research on the company.  Meet with at lease 4 different companies before you finalize anything.  Metlife, New York life, Western & Southern life are some of the best companies to work for. If you have any question about Western & Southern, email me at

  2. For most of us, trying to collect an insurance reimbursement is a joyless affair.

    What can you do to prepare? Most financial planners advise that you set aside, in a savings or money-market account, an emergency cushion of three months' to six months' salary.

    Well, now you can do both. I never believed in these stuffs before.

    Analyze this. You will be needing insurance nowadays. why not have both insurance and investment?

    I am not a part of that company. Not a relative of whoever is working there. This blog is just a reality check. As people age, the more we need both insurance and investment.

    Check out some of the "Benefits"! :P

    GD Prime Insurance / Investment Benefits

    ***With unlimited dental services!

  3. The life insurance business is VERY can make very good money in it, but it's a tough business selling...people do not like talking about death very much...

  4. The 1st rule to remember when considering anything in the life assurance business (or life generally come to that) is that it's not whether or not something is good 'right now', but how it will turn out in the long term.

    In almost all markets and therefore careers, there will be good times there will be bad times. If you're really interested in a career, you have to weather the bad times and make the most of the good ones.

    Even if the market is depressed (and I'm not saying it is) going in at the bottom of the cycle could mean you're well placed when things pick up. People will always want financial products.... it's how much they want them that changes.

    Of course if you really mean that you're just looking for something to pay the bills for a couple of years until something better comes along. Find out what your expected earnings are, satisfy yourself that this is on the level, and take it from there.

    Whatever you decide, don't stress out about it, at your age you can afford a wrong decision or two, the trick is realising it and doing something about them !

    Good luck

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