
Life is awful :( what can i do ?

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I'm 22 no job no girlfriend no money no qualifications life is really getting me down no matter how hard i try to change it or change things I'm just left in the mess (my life) i can't live like this any more sometimes i just feel it would be better if i wasn't born and I'm going to be stuck like this forever i just wish the was something i could do i have really tried my hardest i just dont know what do do no point in my living reallyI'mm justmiserablee all the time and nobody understandsI'mm just so lone




  1. Seek Christ, go to local church and members will be sure to make you feel welcome

  2. maybe try a job like a firemen or police officer. they are a close nit group and we give a sense of belonging to something bigger than just you and the only qualification is that you work hard. Don't forget you have to be happy with yourself before you will be happy in life, just keep working hard and everything will fall into place eventually.

  3. find a hobby, self help book, or a career

  4. sounds like my life. This is exactly where i am right now just add on suicidal friend. I found doing things you always wanted to do helps. Maybe get another job save some money and learn something or go somewhere you always wanted. Maybe you need to get away to find life.

  5. school=job which = money which = girlfriend

  6. Dwell on things you do have.  Get with a group of good people.  Go for runs in pretty places.  Buy a hamster, or in your case, catch a rat or small squirrel.  Write about it. Do something for someone without them knowing you did it.  Talk to an old person.  Draw. Sing.  Smile first thing in the morning.  Dwell on the positive.  Good Luck!

  7. Be happy you get to live and breathe another day, and one more chance to change something instead of complaining about it.

  8. Ehh!! MEDS!!! get them!

    Lexapro, Prozac, or any other MAOI... It's not normal to feel this way.

  9. Hey, life is not perfect for anyone, but each has great things, find out what they are in yours. =)

    You'll be fine, don't give up.

  10. Do some soul searching...find a support group. Figure out what makes you happy or something you have an interest in...go back to school...get a job....You can learn skills anywhere. McDonalds can teach you to be a manager. You gotta start somewhere. Don't give up! Find your happy spot and try to do stuff around it.  

  11. sorry dude try going back to school and making some new friends  

  12. I think the most important thing to remember here is that in times of depression you feel certain that things will never be better and cannot get any worse. No matter how many people say 'it won't last forever, don't worry,' those feeling depression struggle to believe it. The thing is, it's true. Maybe you're sitting there thinking 'you probably haven't ever felt as bad as I currently do, so I don't think you're right' but you HAVE TO BELIEVE that things will change for the better with sustained effort on your part.

    See a doctor or a counsellor and offload your worries. There's nothing wrong with taking care of your mental health- in many ways it's more important than physical health. Take care, mate. Help yourself and speak to those who can help you. Things genuinely will improve.  

  13. Im in the situation,22,no job,qualification or GF,plus a ton of debts.

    Ive tried to get out of the slump by pushing myself out of my comfort zone to attend college and get a part time job this should probably do the same.  

  14. join the army and get shot

  15. The secret to happiness is being satisfied with what you have.  No matter how S****y life is, there has to be something good about it.  When I'm down and depressed, I write down what I'm grateful for, something that makes me happy and something that I'd like to try to work on changing about myself for the positive.

    As far as finding a job...looking for a job sucks.  It's hard.  It takes dedication and effort.  Looking for a job is a job in and of itself.  That said, it's a crappy economy, so don't be so down on yourself.  

    Companies get inundated with tons of resumes and applications every day.  You have to be able to differentiate yourself somehow from the crowd.

    Why don't you try a temp agency?  It's a good way to get your foot in the door somewhere and prove yourself.

    You could also hit up your friends for recommendations.  The majority of jobs are not posted to the public, but are obtained through networking.

    Well good luck.  I went through the whole job search thing not so long ago, so I totally remember how much it sucks.  I sat around depressed for about a month that no one wanted to even interview me (and I have a Master's degree!), and then all of a sudden I had tons of interviews and multiple job offers.  Talking to other friends who have gone through this, I found that we all went through long periods of drought before things started to pan out.

  16. yeah i agree with the person above unless someone idont agree with posts before i've finished typing. u just got to find something fun to do.

    lifes c**p. a bum deal for most but fun and laughter costs nothing.booze helps too/.

  17. I felt like that, but I was doing drugs and alcohol. If you are get into AA. If your not, then get a easy job at a burger place or restaurant. Volunteer somewhere. You will meet people that care. Don't do anything like I did. I got lucky and lived. I enjoy life now. Just get involved into something.

  18. Well, even a c**p fast food job is a job. Employers are very interested in how long you kept your previous job, to know that you won't just up and quit on them, so getting some work experience is very important. It doesn't matter where. Actually, it might be better if you tried applying at home centers, like Home Depot, Lowes, or wherever.

    The old proverb "things will never be so bad that they cannot get worse" always comes to mind.

    And hey, this is the internet. You're hardly unique in your situation. Just keep at it, keep distracted, and know there are plenty of people who have it worse than you. I don't mean "quit complaining", I mean there are some seriously pathetic people out there. 35 year old morbidly obese neckbearded Pokemon fanatics are the least screwed up of the creepy loser parade that is life.

    So hey, you're still young! Have fun, don't stress, and take it one day at a time.

  19. Well things aren't gonna get anymore worse, don't be lazy, stop being on yahoo answers, go out and get a job. ANY job cos at least your getting experience. It's time just to grow up, don't be lazy.

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